QuantumBFS / tutorials

Tutorials for Yao
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 8 forks source link

Tutorials For Yao

This repo hosts the tutorials for Yao.

Build Locally

To build it locally, you can clone this repo by

git clone https://github.com/QuantumBFS/tutorials.git

then build it with the following command

# enter tutorial folder
cd tutorials
# instanitiate
julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'
# build this tutorial into html format locally
julia --project make.jl build
# open build/index.html

Using LiveServer

You can host this tutorial locally for convenience in writing new tutorials, after you instanitiate the project using Pkg.instantiate(), type the following command

julia --project make.jl serve

Using Notebooks

You can use the Pluto Notebooks to learn the basics of Quantum Computing and Yao too. The prefered way to open the notebooks is by opening them in Pluto in your system. Furthur information in Notebooks folder. For any question or discussion, or if you spot an error, consider writing in the Julia slack quantum-computing channel.


Apache License 2.0