Quastrado / Bdays

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A simple web application designed to create, store, modify and provide birthday information for a given circle of people



First, you need to clone the repository using git

$ git clone --single-branch --branch fix/#2_startup_fix https://github.com/Quastrado/Bdays

Then create a virtual environment in the project folder using the venv tool

$ python3 -m venv env

And activate the virtual environment

$ . env/bin/activate

Using file requirements.txt, install neсessary modules and packages

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

You will need the following environment variables:

export FLASK_APP="Bdays"
export FLASK_ENV="development"
export FLASK_DEBUG="1"
export HOST="your host"
export PORT="your port"

export SECRET_KEY="your secret key"
export DATABASE_URI="postgresql://postgres:postgres@"
export MAIL_SERVER='your smtp server'
export MAIL_PORT= 'your mail port'
export MAIL_USE_TLS=False
export MAIL_USE_SSL=True
export MAIL_USERNAME='your mail username'
export MAIL_PASSWORD='your mail password'

(they are now listed in the start.sh file)


With an active virtual environment, run the file start.sh

sh start.sh

And click on the link terminal


In developments