Qub3k / subjective-exp-consistency-check

Software implementation of the subjective experiment consistency checking framework (based on a p-value P–P plot).
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This repository stores data, source codes and an in-depth tutorial, all related with generating p-value P–P plots to assess consistency of subjective data. It also provides means to reproduce the results presented in [Nawała2020]. (For more information regarding reproducibility please go to the Reproducibility section.)

The content of this repository is complementary to the following article. Please cite it if you make any use of this repository's content.

    author = {Nawa{\l}a, Jakub and Janowski, Lucjan and {\'{C}}miel, Bogdan and Rusek, Krzysztof},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM ’20)},
    keywords = {experiment consistency,experiment validity,quality of experience,subjective experiment},
    title = {{Describing Subjective Experiment Consistency by p-Value P–P Plot}},
    year = {2020}

Long story short, the friendly_gsd.py script is the most important piece of code here. To learn how to use it (especially if you want to generate p-value P–P plots for your subjective data) please refer to the p_value_pp_plot_in-depth_tutorial.ipynb file (cf. the In-depth Tutorial about Generating p-Value P–P Plots for Your Subjective Data section).

To learn how to run our code go to section Running the Software.

To get familiar with repository's structure please refer to section Repository Structure.

If you want to execute the G-test without generating p-value P–P plot please refer to section Run Only the G-test.

If you just want to fit the Generalized Score Distribution (GSD) [Janowski2019] model to your subjective data please go to section Only Fit the GSD.

If your goal is to learn more about the method, the code or you would like to implement it from the scratch then please refer to the In-depth Tutorial about Generating p-Value P–P Plots for Your Subjective Data section.

To learn more about code's batch processing functionality please see the Batch Processing section.

At the end of this document you will also find a list of references (cf. the Bibliography section) and acknowledgements (cf. the Acknowledgements section).

Repository Structure

The most important file in this repository is the friendly_gsd.py script. It implements p-value P–P plot generation along with all the related functionalities (i.e., GSD distribution parameters estimation and execution of the bootstrapped version of the G-test of goodness-of-fit). For more information on how to use this script please refer to the p_value_pp_plot_in-depth_tutorial.ipynb file.

The subjective_quality_datasets.csv file contains subjective scores from 21 real-life subjective experiments. For more details please refer to [Nawała2020].

The G_test_results.csv file contains results of the G-test of goodness-of-fit (for the fitted GSD distribution) for all stimuli listed in the subjective_quality_datasets.csv file. To learn what is the meaning of this file please refer to [Nawała2020] and the p_value_pp_plot_in-depth_tutorial.ipynb file.

The hdtv1_exp1_scores_pp_plot_ready.csv file contains subjective scores from the first experiment of the HDTV Phase I subjective study [Pinson2010]. These scores are used in the p_value_pp_plot_in-depth_tutorial.ipynb file to present what input data format is accepted by the friendly_gsd.py script.

The friendly_gsd.py script depends on several auxiliary scripts. These are: gsd.py, bootstrap.py, G_test_on_real_data.py, probability_grid_estimation.py, _logger.py and qnormal.py.

The figures folder contains graphics used in the p_value_pp_plot_in-depth_tutorial.ipynb file. They help explain how to create and interpret P–P plots.

The requirements.txt file lists PIP packages required to use the code.

The gsd_prob_grid.pkl file contains pre-calculated probabilities of each score for a range of psi and rho parameter values. (Psi and rho are the two parameters defining the shape of the GSD distribution.)

Running the Software

We show here how to use our software to generate a p-value P–P plot (and related G-test results) for exemplary subjective data. We choose to use here the subjective data from the first experiment of the VQEG HDTV Phase I subjective study [Pinson2010].

Assuming the code is run from the root folder of this repository, the following line executed in the terminal results in a p-value P–P plot for the data contained in the hdtv1_exp1_scores_pp_plot_ready.csv file:

python3 friendly_gsd.py hdtv1_exp1_scores_pp_plot_ready.csv

Executing the script this way we ask it to process all 168 stimuli from the first experiment of the HDTV Phase I test. Please be advised that this may take long time to finish. Our internal trials on a consumer-grade laptop (as of 2020) indicate that it takes around 5 minutes to process a single stimulus (which corresponds to 14 hours of processing for the entire experiment). This is why the script supports a batch processing mode (see next section for more details).

Our recommendation is to use the batch processing mode as the default approach.

Batch Processing

Since performing the bootstrapped version of the G-test of goodness-of-fit (GoF) is computationally intensive we designed our code to be batch processing ready. Differently put, you can run multiple instances of the friendly_gsd.py script, each processing a separate part of your input data.

Below is an excerpt from friendly_gsd.py's command-line help message.

usage: friendly_gsd.py [-h] [-p path] [-c N] [-i idx] [-s identifier]
                       [-o identifier] [-e] [-f]

In terms of batch processing the -c and -i optional arguments are of our interest. Here are their help messages.

  -c N, --chunks N      (for batch processing) the number of chunks into which
                        the input data should be split. It defaults to 1.
  -i idx, --index idx   (for batch processing) 0-based index of a chunk to
                        process. It default to 0.

Using these you can start many instances of friendly_gsd.py, each with the same input data file, the same number of chunks (-c) and each with a unique index of a chunk to process (-i).

For example, if you have three machines (A, B and C), each with one CPU, it makes sense to start three instances of the friendly_gsd.py script—one on each of the machines. Now, assuming you have an exact copy of your input data file (say, my_input_data.csv) on each of the machines, here is how you should start the friendly_gsd.py script on each machine.

Machine A

python3 friendly_gsd.py -c 3 -i 0 my_input_data.csv

Machine B

python3 friendly_gsd.py -c 3 -i 1 my_input_data.csv

Machine C

python3 friendly_gsd.py -c 3 -i 2 my_input_data.csv

Please note how the value of the -i parameter is changing depending on the machine the script is run on.

After all the computations are finished you end up with one CSV file with G-test results on each machine. Specifically, on machine A you will get G-test_chunk_id_0_of_3_chunks.csv; on machine B: G-test_chunk_id_1_of_3_chunks.csv and on machine C: G-test_chunk_id_2_of_3_chunks.csv. These three files (when combined) contain G-test results for all stimuli present in the my_input_data.csv file.

p-Value P–P Plot

Importantly, running the code in the batch processing mode suppresses the generation of p-value P–P plots. You have to manually generate the P–P plot from the results by following the steps below.

  1. Merge the G-test results generated by all the instances of the friendly_gsd.py script.

    1. Put all the result chunks (e.g., G-test_chunk_id_0_of_3_chunks.csv, G-test_chunk_id_1_of_3_chunks.csv and G-test_chunk_id_2_of_3_chunks.csv) in one folder (e.g., chunks). Make sure to place this folder in the root folder of this repository.
    2. Run the following in a Python console (started inside the root folder of this repository) to create a combined.csv file with results from all the chunks combined.

      import pandas as pd
      from os import path, listdir
      import re
      from friendly_gsd import read_results_from_chunks
      combined_df = read_results_from_chunks("chunks")  # df - DataFrame
      combined_df.to_csv("combined.csv", index=False)
  2. Use the CSV file with all the results combined to generate a p-value P–P plot.

    1. Assuming that the CSV file with all the G-test results combined is called combined.csv, run the following in a Python console (started inside the root folder of this repository) to create a p-value P–P plot and store it on the disk in the p-value_pp-plot.pdf file.

      import pandas as pd
      from friendly_gsd import draw_p_value_pp_plot
      g_test_res = pd.read_csv("combined.csv")
      draw_p_value_pp_plot(g_test_res, should_store_figure=True)

In case of any doubts please consult the documentation of the friendly_gsd.read_results_from_chunks and friendly_gsd.draw_p_value_pp_plot functions.

Run Only the G-test

In case you are here just to run the G-test of goodness-of-fit (GoF) this section is for you. To limit friendly_gsd.py script's functionality to G-test execution only please comment-out the call to the draw_p_value_pp_plot() function. This is the related code fragment from friendly_gsd.py's main() function.

# Visualise G-test results in a form of p-value pp-plot
pp_plot_fig_handle = draw_p_value_pp_plot(g_test_res)

Only Fit the GSD

If your only goal is to fit the Generalized Score Distribution (GSD) [Janowski2019] to a sample of subjective scores then this section is for you. The friendly_gsd.py script contains a dedicated function for this purpose. It is called fit_gsd. It takes two arguments:

  1. a vector of subjective scores assigned to a single stimulus of interest (this is expressed as Pandas Series) and
  2. a filepath of the Pickle file with the pre-calculated probability grid for the GSD model (this is expressed as a simple string)1.

The function returns two numerical values: (i) psi and (ii) rho of the fitted GSD model.

Please note that the fit_gsd function is not part of the main script's workflow. This means that to use this function you will have to write your own script and import the function as follows.

from friendly_gsd import fit_gsd

This also means that you will not be able to take advantage of script's batch processing functionality (see section Batch Processing). The lack of batch processing should not be a problem here since fitting the GSD works very fast. However, in case you really want to use batch processing please read the Workaround to Retain Batch Processing section.

1 Please note that this file is provided in the repository (cf. gsd_prob_grid.pkl).

Workaround to Retain Batch Processing

The relevant code of the friendly_gsd.py script is present in the friendly_gsd.perform_g_test() function. There, the following line fits the GSD model (through the MLE approach) to a sample of subjective scores (expressed as Pandas Series object sample_scores).

psi_hat_gsd, rho_hat = estimate_parameters(sample_scores, prob_grid_gsd)

When this line is executed variables psi_hat_gsd and rho_hat store estimated parameter values of psi and rho parameters of the GSD distribution, respectively.

The prob_grid_gsd represents the pre-calculated grid of probabilities of observing each score (when the GSD model is assumed) for a range of psi and rho parameter values.

Although the friendly_gsd.py script does not directly provide an interface to limit its operation to GSD model fitting, there is a workaround to achieve this. You have to follow this two-step procedure:

  1. Comment-out the line from friendly_gsd.py's main() function responsible for drawing p-value P–P plot:pp_plot_fig_handle = draw_p_value_pp_plot(g_test_res).
  2. Add the n_bootstrap_samples=1 argument to the call to the perform_g_test() function inside friendly_gsd.py's main() function.

After the modifications the relevant code fragment should look as follows.

# res - results
g_test_res = perform_g_test(keys_for_coi, data_grouped, prob_grid_gsd,

# Visualise G-test results in a form of p-value pp-plot
# pp_plot_fig_handle = draw_p_value_pp_plot(g_test_res)

When you now run the friendly_gsd.py script it will still perform the G-test, but the overhead of doing so will be small. (This is because we ask the code to use one and not 10,000 bootstrap samples when performing the bootstrapped G-test of goodness-of-fit.) When you execute the code the G-test results and, more importantly, MLE-fitted GSD parameters will be available in the output CSV file.

If you do not use the batch processing functionality (see the "Batch Processing" section) and run the friendly_gsd.py script as follows:

python3 friendly_gsd.py your_subjective_data.csv

the output CSV file will be G-test_chunk_id_0_of_1_chunks.csv.

For the details on how this output CSV file is formatted and how to prepare your subjective data for processing with friendly_gsd.py please refer to sections "Output" and "Input" of the p_value_pp_plot_in-depth_tutorial.ipynb file, respectively.

WARNING: Although the code run this way returns G-test results these are not meaningful and should be discarded. For the explanation why this is the case please refer to the p_value_pp_plot_in-depth_tutorial.ipynb file.

In-depth Tutorial about Generating p-Value P–P Plots for Your Subjective Data

If you have your subjective data and would like to generate a p-value P–P plot based on its contents then you are in the right place. This section will walk you through the process. It contains both a high-level description of the method, as well as code fragments from the friendly_gsd.py script. These two things combined should give you a quite solid understanding of the methodology. The section also describes issues related with using the code in this repository—how to run it, what input does it require, what output it produces and how to use its batch processing functionality.

In order not to make this README too lengthy we provide the tutorial in the form of a Jupyter Notebook. Please open the p_value_pp_plot_in-depth_tutorial.ipynb file to get access to the tutorial.

If you prefer to view the tutorial locally, then please install the notebook PIP package. With the package installed, run the following (from the repo's root folder) to open the tutorial locally.

jupyter notebook p_value_pp_plot_in-depth_tutorial.ipynb

TIP: In order to more easily navigate through the provided Jupyter Notebook please consider installing and configuring the jupyter_contrib_nbextensions PIP package. Among other things, it provides a handy functionality of floating table of contents.


The method works only for subjective data expressed on the 5-level Absolute Category Rating (ACR) scale (cf. Sec. 6.1 of Rec. ITU-T P.910).


The secondary purpose of this repository is to provide means to reproduce the results presented in [Nawała2020]. To this end we make available the reproduce.py script. Its functionality is best explained by its help message.

usage: reproduce.py [-h] [-n N] scenario

Allows to reproduce all the experiments in the Nawała et al. Describing
Subjective Experiment Consistency by p-Value P-P Plot paper from ACM MM'20.

positional arguments:
  scenario              a digit (1–5) corresponding to an execution scenario
                        of choice: (1) Redraw and reproduce figures and tables
                        using the existing G-test results. (2) Reproduce only
                        these G-test results that are necessary for Fig. 3.
                        (3) Reproduce all G-test results. Importantly,
                        scenario 1 needs almost no time to run. Scenario 2
                        needs around 224 hours (more than 9 days), whereas
                        scenario 3 needs around 509 hours (more than 21 days).
                        (Read about the batch processing capability to deal
                        with these long execution times.) (4) Run the G-test
                        for N randomly selected stimuli. (5) Reproduce
                        probability grids for the GSD and QNormal models.
                        (This takes about an hour.)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n N, --number-of-stimuli N
                        run the G-test for this many stimuli (only relevant
                        when used in conjunction with scenario 4)


Before you run the reproduce.py script please ensure that all the packages listed in the requirements.txt file are installed. You can do so by running the following in the terminal. (We recommend to run this command in a newly created Python virtual environment.)

$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

The code was tested with Python 3.7. Thus, our recommendation is to use Python 3.7 or newer.

Test the Setup

To quickly check that everything is set up properly please run the following in the terminal.

$ python3 reproduce.py 1

This will reproduce all the figures and tables from [Nawała2020] using data available in this repository. In other words, this recreates the tables and figures, but instead of doing that using raw subjective responses, it uses results derived from those. More specifically, it uses G-test results from the G_test_results.csv file and CSV files available in the reproducibility folder.

Reproduce Everything From the Scratch

To entirely reproduce the results from [Nawała2020] please run the following in the terminal.

$ python3 reproduce.py 3  # Reproduce G-test results and regenerate tables and figures
$ python3 reproduce.py 5  # Reproduce probability grids

Please be advised that the first of the two calls to reproduce.py takes about 21 days to finish. This was tested on the following hardware setup: Intel Core i3-8130U CPU, 16 GB of 2400 MHz RAM and 256 GB SSD disk (Lenovo LENSE30256GMSP34MEAT3TA).

If you do not want to wait 21 days to generate G-test results please consult the Batch Processing section. Having at hand the G-test results from multiple batch processing chunks please merge them into on large CSV file. Then, rename the file to G_test_results.csv, place it in the root folder of this repository and run the following to reproduce all the figures and tables from [Nawała2020] using the reproduced G-test results.

$ python3 reproduce.py 1

Since running the G-test implicitly uses pre-calculated probability grids you need to reproduce these as well to claim that the complete reproducibility has been achieved. This is done by the $ python3 reproduce.py 5 call. Once it finishes running (which takes about one hour) you end up with two files: (i) reproduced_gsd_prob_grid.pkl and (ii) reproduced_qnormal_prob_grid.pkl. To make sure the two reproduced probability grids are used whenever you run the G-test, please rename the two files to gsd_prob_grid.pkl and qnormal_prob_grid.pkl, respectively. At last, place the two in the root folder of this repository. From now on, whenever you run friendly_gsd.py or reproduce.py scripts (in the mode running the G-test) they will use the reproduced probability grids.

Interpreting the Outputs

The listing below shows files generated after running reproduce.py with execution scenarios 3 and 5.


The way in which you can check whether the reproduced results are in line with the original results depends on the output type. For figures (i.e., all the PDF files), you have to perform a visual comparison with those in [Nawała2020]. Since the tables are concise you can do the same with these.

The easiest way to check the correctness of probability grids (i.e., *.pkl files) is to read them into Pandas and subtract from the original grids (i.e., gsd_prob_grid.pkl and qnormal_prob_grid.pkl). The result should be a DataFrame with all cells equal or nearly equal to zero. The code snippet below shows how to load into Pandas one reproduced probability grid and compare it with the one provided in this repository.

import pandas as pd

repro_gsd_grid = pd.read_pickle("reproduced_gsd_prob_grid.pkl")
gsd_grid = pd.read_pickle("gsd_prob_grid.pkl")
diff_df = gsd_grid - repro_gsd_grid
diff_df.sum().sum()  # Output: -4.6074255521944e-15

The reproduced G-test results (i.e., the G_test_on_subjective_quality_datasets_chunk000_of_001.csv file) can be checked for correctness in the similar vain to probability grids. The most important column to check is the one called "p-value_gsd". Values in this column should be compared with those contained in the G_test_results.csv file. Importantly, please do not expect to observe identical results in both files. This is beacuse we use the bootstrapped version of the G-test. For each sample analysed we generate 10,000 random bootstrap samples. Hence, the final p-value changes when you repeat the G-test for the same stimulus multiple times. If you want to lear more about this procedure please refer to the In-depth Tutorial about Generating p-Value P–P Plots for Your Subjective Data section.

Run G-test on Random Stimuli

If you do not have time to reproduce all G-test results on a single machine or do not have access to a computational cluster, you can always use the reproduce.py script to run the G-test for N random stimuli. To do so please run the following in the terminal

$ python3 reproduce.py -n 3 4

Called this way, reproduce.py will choose three random stimuli and run the G-test for them. When done, it will print the estimated parameters of the GSD and related G-test p-values. It will also store the results in the g_test_res_for_random_stimuli.csv file. Based on stimuli IDs and experiment IDs to which they belong, you can compare the reproduced results with those in the G_test_results.csv file.

The listing below shows an exemplary output of this scenario.

Summary of G-test results:
              psi_hat rho_hat p_value
(2111.0, 2.0)     1.5   0.875  0.5846
Stored the G-test results in the g_test_res_for_random_stimuli.csv file

In this case, the result concerns stimulus with ID 2111 that comes from experiment with ID 2.


The code in this repo was mostly written by Jakub Nawała jnawala@agh.edu.pl. Some smaller pieces of it were implemented by Krzysztof Rusek krusek@agh.edu.pl.

Lucjan Janowski janowski@kt.agh.edu.pl governed the whole process and Bogdan Ćmiel cmielbog@gmail.com made sure we got statistics right.


We gratefully acknowledge the help of Franz Hahn, who helped us solve the division by zero problems in the bootstrap.py and probability_grid_estimation.py scripts. Thank you! ❤


[Janowski2019] Janowski, L., Ćmiel, B., Rusek, K., Nawała, J., & Li, Z. (2019). Generalized Score Distribution. Retrieved from http://arxiv.org/abs/1909.04369

[Pinson2010] Pinson, M., Speranza, F., Takahashi, A., Schmidmer, C., Lee, C., Okamoto, J., … Dhondt, Y. (2010). Report on the Validation of Video Quality Models for High Definition Video Content (HDTV Phase I). Retrieved from https://www.its.bldrdoc.gov/vqeg/projects/hdtv/hdtv.aspx

[Nawała2020] Nawała, J., Janowski, L., Ćmiel, B., & Rusek, K. (2020). Describing Subjective Experiment Consistency by p-Value P–P Plot. Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM ’20).