QudevETH / PycQED_py3

Python3 version of PycQED using QCodes as backend
MIT License
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A python based measurement environment for circuit-QED experiments.



Create a directory you want to work in and traverse into it.

For instance:

pwsh # open powershell
mkdir qudev
cd qudev

Clone the repository:

# cd a/convenient/directory
git clone https://gitlab.phys.ethz.ch/qudev/control_software/pycqed_py3.git ./pycqed

Install a Python environment which allows you to use Python 3.11. As of 2023 many use Anaconda. If your default is already Python 3.11 you can skip installing Anaconda. You can also use a more modern setup. If you want this you probably know what you are doing and don't need further guidance.

Here a simple approach known to work on Windows 10 and 11:

conda create -n pycqed311 python=3.11
conda activate pycqed311

# Update pip within the virtual environment
python -m pip install --upgrade pip

# Install the required packages for the repository
pip install -e ./pycqed

Remember that everytime you open a new terminal, you need to activate the virtual environment:

conda activate pycqed311

In case you have to restart jupyter notebook often, you can start a jupyter notebook without password:

jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.token='' --NotebookApp.password=''

Warning: That is not recommended on a computer which is accessible outside of our local LAN.


Further, general documentation and how to get started in depth can be found on documentation.qudev.phys.ethz.ch.


For testing, make sure your correct environment is activated. See Installation

Then you can run the test suite in your current environment via:

pip install '.[test]'
pytest -v --cov=pycqed --cov-report term -m "not hardware" pycqed/tests


This software is released under the MIT License


This repository was originally forked from PycQED by the DiCarlo group at QuTech, Delft University of Technology.