Quentindeve / rust_limine_barebones

Basic Rust kernel using Limine
BSD Zero Clause License
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Rust Limine Barebones

⚠️ WARNING: This repo makes use of Xargo, whose features got included into regular Cargo. Therefore, you can look into replacing it. ⚠️

This is a small kernel that boots using Limine.


First of all, download Rust ! (I guess you already did it if you are here lol) Then, do the following things

# Installs the nightly toolchain, needed for few things
rustup install nightly
cd rust_limine_barebones
# Sets the nightly toolchain as the version of the project 
rustup override set nightly
# Installs cargo xbuild. Needed to build core for our custom target
cargo install cargo-xbuild

This kernel needs echfs-utils for building the image that we can pass through qemu, you can found this here


Because I'm a good guy I made many scripts to help you build the kernel. So in order we have:

The target

Maybe I've put some unused gcc linking args but if you want your target working instantly just basically copy it.

The linking script

Because the #[used] proc macro isn't enough to keep the stivale2hdr alive after linking you need the linker.ld script to keep it breathing. Without this Limine won't boot your kernel because of missing stivale2hdr section.

Limine config

Limine config is pretty simple but if your kernel is making some progress you maybe gonna need a ramfs.


If you need anything more than what this repo can offer you, here are some links that may be useful: