QuickBirdEng / yuvToMat

High-performance library for converting YUV_420_888 Android Camera images to OpenCV RGB Mats
53 stars 13 forks source link
android androidcamera java kotlin opencv


This library is no longer maintained and will not be updated.


YUV_420_888 Image to OpenCV RGB Mat Conversion

High-performance library for converting YUV_420_888 images from Android's Camera v2 API to OpenCV Mats. The resulting Mat contains RGB pixels.



Simply use the extension function on android.media.Image.

val mat = image.rgb()


Simply use the static function Yuv.toMat

Mat mat = Yuv.rgb(image)

Clipping the image

This library supports efficient clipping of the image before converting. Just pass a clip to the function:

val yuv = YuvImage(image).clip(left=20, top=20, right=40, bottom=40)
val yuv = YuvImage(image).with(YuvImage.Clip(left=20, top=20, right=40, bottom=40))
val yuv = YuvImage(image) with YuvImage.Clip(left=20, top=20, right=40, bottom=40)
val rgb: Mat = yuv.rgb()

Get the the dependency


dependencies {
    implementation "com.quickbirdstudios:yuvtomat:1.1.0"

Also include the kotlin standard library for non-kotlin projects

dependencies {
    implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$kotlin_version"


If you encounter any issues with this library, please submit an issue. We'll come back to you as soon as possible.