QuickRelease / django-tenants-celery-beat

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Support for celery beat in multitenant Django projects. Schedule periodic tasks for a specific tenant, with flexibility to run tasks with respect to each tenant's timezone.

For use with django-tenants and tenant-schemas-celery.



Install via pip:

pip install django-tenants-celery-beat


Follow the instructions for django-tenants and tenant-schemas-celery.

In your SHARED_APPS (not your TENANT_APPS):

    # ...
    # ...

Depending on your setup, you may also put django_celery_results in your TENANT_APPS. (Assuming you have followed the instructions for django-tenants all your SHARED_APPS will also appear in your INSTALLED_APPS.)

django-tenants-celery-beat requires your Tenant model to have a timezone field in order to control periodic task scheduling. To this end, we provide a TenantTimezoneMixin that you should inherit from in your Tenant model, e.g.:

from django_tenants.models import TenantMixin
from django_tenants_celery_beat.models import TenantTimezoneMixin

class Tenant(TenantTimezoneMixin, TenantMixin):

You can configure whether the timezones are displayed with the GMT offset, i.e. Australia/Sydney vs. GMT+11:00 Australia/Sydney, using the setting TENANT_TIMEZONE_DISPLAY_GMT_OFFSET. By default, the GMT offset is not shown. (If you later change this setting, you will need to run makemigrations to see any effect.)

Ensure that DJANGO_CELERY_BEAT_TZ_AWARE is True (the default) for any timezone aware scheduling to work.

In order to make the link between your Tenant model and PeriodicTask, the app comes with an abstract model. You simply need create a class that inherits from this mixin and does nothing else. Having this model in your own first-party app means that the migrations can be managed properly.

from django_tenants_celery_beat.models import PeriodicTaskTenantLinkMixin

class PeriodicTaskTenantLink(PeriodicTaskTenantLinkMixin):

You need to register which model is acting as the link. If your tenancy models live in an app called tenancy and the model is named as above, you need the following in your project settings:

PERIODIC_TASK_TENANT_LINK_MODEL = "tenancy.PeriodicTaskTenantLink"

Once this has been done, you will need to run makemigrations. This will create the necessary migrations for your Tenant and PeriodicTaskTenantLink models. To apply the migrations, run:

python manage.py migrate_schemas --shared

Setting up a beat_schedule

For statically configured periodic tasks assigned via app.conf.beat_schedule, there is a helper utility function to produce a valid tenant-aware beat_schedule. You can take an existing beat_schedule and make minor modifications to achieve the desired behaviour.

The generate_beat_schedule function takes a dict that looks exactly like the usual beat_schedule dict, but each task contains an additional entry with the key tenancy_options. Here you can specify three things:

All of these are False by default, so you only need to include them if you set them to True, though you may prefer to keep them there to be explicit about your intentions. At least one of the public or all_tenants keys must be True, otherwise the entry is ignored. Additionally, if the tenancy_option key is missing from an entry, that entry will be ignored.

Example usage:

app.conf.beat_schedule = generate_beat_schedule(
        "tenant_task": {
            "task": "app.tasks.tenant_task",
            "schedule": crontab(minute=0, hour=12, day_of_week=1),
            "tenancy_options": {
                "public": False,
                "all_tenants": True,
                "use_tenant_timezone": True,
        "hourly_tenant_task": {
            "task": "app.tasks.hourly_tenant_task",
            "schedule": crontab(minute=0),
            "tenancy_options": {
                "public": False,
                "all_tenants": True,
                "use_tenant_timezone": False,
        "public_task": {
            "task": "app.tasks.tenant_task",
            "schedule": crontab(minute=0, hour=0, day_of_month=1),
            "tenancy_options": {
                "public": True,
                "all_tenants": False,

This beat_schedule will actually produce an entry for each tenant with the schema name as a prefix. For example, tenant1: celery.backend_cleanup. For public tasks, there is no prefix added to the name.

This function also sets some AMQP message headers, which is how the schema and timezone settings are configured.

Configuring celery.backend_cleanup

Note that in many cases, tasks should not be both run on the public schema and on all tenant schemas, as the database tables are often very different. One example that most likely should is the celery.backend_cleanup task that is automatically added. If you do nothing with it, it will run only in the public schema, which may or may not suit your needs. Assuming you have django_celery_results in TENANT_APPS you will need this task to be run on all tenants, and if you also have it in SHARED_APPS, you will need it to run on the public schema too. This task is also a case where you will likely want it to run in the tenant's timezone so it always runs during a quiet time.

Using the utility function, this is how we could set up the celery.backend_cleanup task:

from django_tenants_celery_beat.utils import generate_beat_schedule

# ...

app.conf.beat_schedule = generate_beat_schedule(
        "celery.backend_cleanup": {
            "task": "celery.backend_cleanup",
            "schedule": crontab("0", "4", "*"),
            "options": {"expire_seconds": 12 * 3600},
            "tenancy_options": {
                "public": True,
                "all_tenants": True,
                "use_tenant_timezone": True,

This will prevent the automatically created one being added, though the settings are identical to the automatic one as of django-celery-beat==2.2.0. You could also set public to False here for exactly the same resulting schedule, as the public one will be automatically created by django-celery-beat.

Modifying Periodic Tasks in the Django Admin

You can further manage periodic tasks in the Django admin.

The public schema admin will display the periodic tasks for each tenant as well as the public tenant.

When on a tenant-level admin (e.g. tenant.domain.com), you can only see the tasks for the given tenant, and any filters are hidden so as to not show a list of tenants.

When editing a PeriodicTask, there is an inline form for the OneToOneModel added by this package that connects a PeriodicTask to a Tenant. You can toggle the use_tenant_timezone setting (but when restarting the beat service, the beat_schedule will always take precedence). The tenant is shown as a read-only field, unless you are on the public admin site, in which case you have the option edit the tenant. Editing the tenant here will take precedence over the beat_schedule.

Developer Setup

To set up the example app:

  1. Navigate into the example directory
  2. Create a virtual environment and install the requirements in requirements.txt
  3. Create a postgres database according to the example.settings.DATABASES["default"] (edit the settings if necessary)
  4. Run python manage.py migrate_schemas to create the public schema
  5. Run python manage.py create_tenant to create the public tenant and any other tenants
  6. Create superusers with python manage.py create_tenant_superuser
  7. Run celery -A example beat --loglevel=INFO to run the beat scheduler
  8. Run celery -A example worker --loglevel=INFO (add --pool=solo if on Windows)