QuiltMC / rfcs

Repository for requests for comments for proposing changes to the Quilt Project.
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The Quilt RFC Process

This document gives an outline of how the RFC process works and explains how contributors should submit their RFCs to the project.

When you must submit an RFC

The RFC process requires that any large top-level organizational changes should be preceded by a "Request For Comments" document just like this one, explaining the proposed change, the motivation behind it, potential drawbacks, and other considerations. These documents are then discussed and revised by the community for some period of time until a maintainer decides that enough discussion has happened and begins a final comment period, after which a final decision is made.

Most smaller changes to Quilt projects (such as bugfixes) can be submitted via the normal GitHub pull request system, however some are substantial enough that we would prefer that members of the community are given some time to discuss the potential change and give their feedback.

While this document describes when RFC's are required on an organizational level, individual organizational units, such as the Quilt Standard Libraries or Quilt Loader teams, may also require RFCs.

Creating an RFC

A proper RFC is a high quality, well thought out document describing in detail all the possible benefits, drawbacks, and other consequences of the suggested change. A low effort or low quality RFC is likely to be rejected quickly.

Before beginning the process, it can be helpful to discuss your ideas with other community members on our discord server to get a feel for the community's opinion on the issue.

Once you have a good idea of what you want to suggest, and how the community feels about it, you can begin writing your RFC.

The Process

When you are ready to submit an RFC, the process will work as follows: