QuinnZhell / WebXR-Mars-Simulation

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Creating an Interactive Mars Enviroment Using WebXR

This project aims to recreate the mars enviroment using WebXR, a web based api for virtual and mixed reality, with the goal of providing an informative experience about the interactions with the planet's surroundings.

Key Words

WebXR, Simulation, Virtual Reality, Immersive


The purpose of this project is to use WebXR technologies to create an immersive virtual reality experience using accurate data gathered from the planet itself. Beyond this the secondary objective is to showcase aspects where the planet differs from our own, eg gravity, through interactions with the virtual enviroment.


This project utilises the Babylon.js JavaScript libray as an engine for displaying 3D Graphics. Pairing this with the WebXR API which allows for XR capable hardare devices to interface with the web browser the goal is to engineer an immersive experience which lives entirely as a web page.

The hosting location for this application will exist on a github pages domain linked to this repository (see: KoilDoch.github.io/WebXR-Mars-Simulation).