Internet-of-Things made easy
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[1] IoTy was developed using the ESP32-WROOM-32 chip, on a ESP32 DEV KIT DOIT board. It should work with any ESP32, and even non-ESP32 board, provided that...
[2] Bluetooth and Serial programming mode only works with Chrome (...but not on iOS), while Access Point and Internet programming mode works on all devices.
You'll need to setup your ESP32 with the IoTy firmware before using it with IoTy for the first time. This only need to be done once.
The recommended way to setup the ESP32 is to use this page:
For an alternative way (not recommended) of setting up your ESP32, view this page:
You can connect to and program your IoTy device using 4 different modes. View their respective pages for details on how to connect.
Open and write your program using either blocks or Python.
Connect your device using Serial, Bluetooth, Access Point, or Internet mode.
After connection, open the kebab menu and select "Download to device". Restart your device after download completes.
When your program is running, you can connect to your device to view the output of print statements and error messages in the "Monitor" tab.
To prevent missing any messages that were transmitted before connection is completed, you can set the "When Started" block to "wait for Bluetooth connection" (Bluetooth Mode) or "wait for Internet connection" (Internet Mode). This is not necessary for Serial mode. If you're using Python, add...
import ioty.monitor
import ioty.monitor_mqtt the top of your code. This will cause program execution to pause until you have connected to your device.