This repository contains the Azure Functions code for the Quiz Bowl API, a crucial part of the Quiz Bowl project. The code in this repository is the same code as is in the "qzblapi" Function App in the Azure Portal. Any deployments made to the main branch will automatically redeploy on the qzblapi app (AKA PRODUCTION) on the Azure platform.
This entire repository contains a single Functions app. The src folder contains all of the individual Functions that are part of this app. Each function is contained in its own js file.
In order to run this repository locally, you'll need the following tools:
To run Functions apps locally for testing, some tools need to be installed and the repo needs to be set up correctly.
Clone the repository to your local machine.
Open a terminal window and navigate to the folder you cloned the repo to. Inside the folder, run the following command to install all necessary software packages: npm install
Run the Functions app locally by using the following command: func start
All functions take a connection string as input in order to connect to the database.
To set the connection string, create or edit a file called local.settings.json
and paste this inside of it:
"IsEncrypted": false,
"Values": {
"AzureWebJobsFeatureFlags": "EnableWorkerIndexing",
"AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
"dbconn": "Server=(url);Persist Security Info=False;User ID=(userID);Password=(putpasswordhere);MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=60;"
Note that the connection string for this database can be found by going to the Azure Portal page for the Quiz Bowl database and copying the authentication string marked "ADO.NET (SQL authentication)". Note that you will need to replace the password in the connection string with the known password for connecting to the database.
This file allows you to set environment variables that can then be referenced later. For the production Functions app, environment variables can be managed in the Azure Portal under Settings > Configuration. You might have noticed that each function has a section at the end where if a variable called "local" is set to false, Sentry monitoring will be enabled. This environment variable is present on the production deployment, but should not be present in local development testing, as it can clog up logs.
The database consists of two tables inside of a SQL Server service instance on the Azure Platform. The tables are as follows:
accounts (stores user accounts for Quizpedia):
quizQuestions (stores question data):
To use this repository, the following commands can be run in the terminal from the repository folder:
Creates a new function inside of this application. Select Node for runtime and Javascript for language if prompted.
Runs the function app locally for testing. The app will give you individual local URLs that you can use to call the local functions.
For full information, check out the Azure Functions Core Tools Dev Reference.