Quorafind / Outliner.MD

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Plugin makes it hard to remove lists #5

Closed anareaty closed 2 months ago

anareaty commented 2 months ago

When I am using the outline view OR when I have an embedded file and edit it from the embed (in both outline and normal markdown views), I can write in normal text, not in lists. But if I create a list in it, it becomes very hard to delete it and go back to the normal text. Default Obsidian way - to hit enter twice - does not work and simply deleting an empty bullet does not work too. Selecting a bullet to delete it is also not possible. I figured I can delete the bullet only is it has text and if I put the cursor directly before it, which is not very convenied compared to the normal Obsidian expirience. I think there should be easier way to delete lists, especially for embedded files which may be not intended for the pure outline format.

Quorafind commented 2 months ago

If this bullet contains any children?

anareaty commented 2 months ago

No, I only tried it with bullets without any children so far.

Quorafind commented 2 months ago

Would you mind provide some sample text here? I want to dig into see why. If so, please remove text related to private info.

lifehaschanged commented 2 months ago

@Quorafind Here is an image to summarize her request: grafik

Quorafind commented 2 months ago

@lifehaschanged Thanks for explanation! In the outliner-view (yet the outliner file), this behavior is default. But yes, list should be able to delete when in the embedded editor. Sorry for that!

Quorafind commented 2 months ago

Now this should be fixed in 0.1.3. If you still encounter any issues, reply here.

lifehaschanged commented 2 months ago

Thank you, but in my case I cannot leave a list with the enter key, tested in the sandbox vault. Because even with shift+enter it does not leave the list. This is visible when you switch from the outliner view to the markdown view. I think the best solution would be a single custom command that allows you to escape from all sibling bullets, child bullets and parent bullets all together. Because then you wouldn't have to press Enter 3 times or so, which would be even faster.

lifehaschanged commented 2 months ago

Ah, I see. It's working with the enter key, but only if you have created the bullet by yourself first in a markdown view. If you are opening a fresh outliner view, you can't escape the bullets with the enter key.

Quorafind commented 2 months ago

By default, outliner view doesn't allow no list bullet, so you cant escape list bullet to create a blank line unless you select it and then delete. But I dont recommend you to do this way

lifehaschanged commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the explanation! Why you don't recommend it this way? Are there any drawbacks or better alternatives? - It would be awesome to have more commands for deleting and creating bullets. Because now I have to use the mouse to delete the last bullet to exit the bullet list.