Quorafind / Outliner.MD

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Visit the Outliner.md docs for more information.


💭 Smoother outliner experience

Filter, hotkey and more, just like you are using outliner software.

💫 Embedded content editing

Embed anything and then edit it there.

📚 Backlink editing

Just open your note, scroll to the bottom, and you can edit the backlinks directly.

📝 Quick note creation

Click on the ribbon or right-click on the folder to create a new outliner note.


Visit Outliner.md download. Or view the installation guide for more information.


You need to install Obsidian Zoom, Obsidian Outliner and also Obsidian Dataview plugins to use this plugin better.

[!warning] You need to add outliner: true to the frontmatter of the note to enable the outliner view.