Qvin0000 / ExileApiPlugins

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Plugins for https://github.com/Qvin0000/ExileApi

For developers (this part in in progress, some parts could be not correct or not complete):

All plugins compilation:

Creating own plugins:

Plugin project setup:

Solution->Add->New project

Type: "Class Library (.Net framework)"

ProjectName: MyPlugin

Location: fix project location to HUD\ExileApi\Plugins\Source.

Framework: 4.8 (Important!). (if you don't have it- install from https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/thank-you/net48-developer-pack)

Note: You can create a folder in solution like CustomPlugins

Also add Project.References->Add reference->Assemblies->System.Numerics to be able to draw something.

Also you can add PoeHelper\SharpDX.Mathematics.dll (this gives you Vector2, RectangleF, Color), optionally to ImGui.NET.dll(if you gonna create custom menu).

Now you can make plugins.

Plugin example:

Create Settings class:

using ExileCore.Shared.Attributes;
using ExileCore.Shared.Interfaces;
using ExileCore.Shared.Nodes;

namespace MyPlugin
    public class Settings : ISettings
        public ToggleNode Enable { get; set; } = new ToggleNode(true);

        [Menu("Example check box", "This check box disable some functionality")]
        public ToggleNode MyCheckboxOption { get; set; } = new ToggleNode(true);

Create plugin class MyPluginCore: I recommend the plugin class name be uniq (not just Plugin or Core), in this case you will not have any problems with breakpoints is triggered in some other source files with the same name.

using ExileCore;
using SharpDX;

namespace MyPlugin
    public class MyPluginCore : BaseSettingsPlugin<Settings>
        public override void Render()
            DebugWindow.LogMsg("My plugin works!", 20f);

                Graphics.DrawBox(new RectangleF(10, 10, 100, 100), Color.Red);


Some basic stuff you may need:

var player = GameController.Player;
var playerPos = player.GridPos;

var life = player.GetComponent<Life>();
var myHp = life.CurHP;

Base plugin functions (all funtions is optionally to override):

Initialise called on load once if plugin is enabled. Use it like initialization for all the stuff. Return false if plugin can't find/load some resources, etc., and in that case OnLoad() will not be called.

public override bool Initialise()
    if(can't find/load some resource that required for a plugin)
        return false;
    return true;

OnLoad() Called once for each enabled plugin. Called even if plugin is disabled in options, so don't use for loading stuff.

OnPluginDestroyForHotReload called before plugin will be reloaded in memory (after recompilation, etc). You can abort own Threads or unsubscribe from some global events here.

AreaChange(AreaInstance area) called after player changed area.

EntityAddedAny(Entity entity) called once entity appear in range. Entity is cached and will not triggered again if entity go out of range then appear again.

EntityAdded(Entity entity) called once entity appear in range. Same as EntityAddedAny, but will trigger if Monster back to visible range. This is more commonly used.

EntityRemoved(Entity entity) Called when entity removed from cache (probably fo all entities on area change too, not sure).

Job Tick() Used for updating logic only.

Render() Main function for rendering. Perfectly do only rendering here, for logic update use Tick().

Logging: This functions display messages on screen only (no logging to file). For file logging install package Serilog from solution packages manager.



Not implemented functions atm:

OnUnload() Not implemented atm. Called on plugin close.

OnPluginSelectedInMenu() Called when plugins is selected in main menu (settings opened)

EntityIgnored(Entity entity)

Draw textures

I recommend to use texture atlas (tutorial later in this giude) if you have a lot of textures, this will greatly improve perfomance:

public override bool Initialise()
    var combine = Path.Combine(DirectoryFullName, "TestImage.png").Replace('\\', '/');
    Graphics.InitImage(combine, false);

    return true;

public override void Render()
   Graphics.DrawImage("TestImage.png", new RectangleF(100, 100, 1000, 100));

Texture atlas optimization

If you have a lot of textures you can put them to texture atlas (all textures in one).

alt text

Then just draw in code:

public class MyPluginCore : BaseSettingsPlugin<Settings>
    private AtlasTexture _iconArcingTexture;
    public override bool Initialise()
        _iconArcingTexture = GetAtlasTexture("IconArcing");//IconArcing or IconArcing.png, doesn't matter, works both
        return true;

    public override void Render()
        Graphics.DrawImage(_iconArcingTexture, new RectangleF(10, 10, 1000, 1000));

Enabling multithreading in plugin

Plugin can work in own thread, but depends on "Threads count" parameter in hud core menu (if it is 0 there is no difference that you enabled multithreading in code).

For enabling multithreading:

public override void OnLoad()
    CanUseMultiThreading = true;

public override Job Tick()
    if (Settings.MultiThreading)    //custom setting ToggleNode
        return new Job(nameof(HealthBars), TickLogic);
        //return GameController.MultiThreadManager.AddJob(TickLogic, nameof(HealthBars));   //another way to enable multiprocessing

    return null;

private void TickLogic()
    //Do your logic here (separate thread).

Coroutines (for delays in code)

If you need to make some code that need to do some delays (like drop inventory items, enabling auras, etc.) do it in routines (don't use Thread.Sleep in main thread!, it will slow down other plugins!).

private Coroutine CoroutineWorker;
private const string coroutineName = "my example routine";

public override Job Tick()
    if (Settings.DropHotkey.PressedOnce())
            CoroutineWorker = new Coroutine(ProcessInventoryItems(), this, coroutineName);

    return null;

private IEnumerator ProcessInventoryItems()
    //Do your code here
    yield return new WaitTime(100); //Here is example for 100ms delay

You can also stop/abort routine in any moment:

private void StopRoutine()
    if (CoroutineWorker != null && !CoroutineWorker.IsDone)
        CoroutineWorker = Core.ParallelRunner.FindByName(coroutineName);

Also you can check if routine is processing too much time and stop it:

public override Job Tick()

    if (CoroutineWorker != null && CoroutineWorker.Running && DebugTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > 15000)
        LogError($"Routine stopped because work more than 15 sec.", 15);

    return null;

Available delay functionality from API:

yield return new WaitTime(100); //Delay for 100ms
yield return new WaitFunction(() => isMyBoolEnabled); //wait for some condition. Instead of this can be a function that returns bool (no args)
yield return new WaitRender(3); //Skips the given amount of render frames
yield return new WaitRandom(100, 300); //Wait for random amount of milliseconds