Qytera-Gmbh / CloudThrash

Distributed Performance Testing with Graphite, Grafana and Java Gatling 🌩️🤯⏱️
MIT License
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aws cloudmap cloudwatch docker ecs ecs-fargate fargate gatling grafana graphite java javafx maven performance-testing s3 terraform web-service



Thrash your Web-App until it hurts.

This repository provides a solution for distributed performance testing using Gatling, Graphite, and Grafana with AWS. It leverages Docker for containerized environments and Terraform for infrastructure as code.


Technology Map:

Repository Structure

Getting Started



  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone git@github.com:besessener/CloudThrash.git
    cd CloudThrash
  2. Run the GUI

    Execute run.sh in the root to open the GUI. It should be self explanatory with tooltips and stuff.

  3. Alternative: Run the Test in your bash

    The run-test.sh script will handle the entire process, including deploying Docker containers, creating the necessary cloud infrastructure with Terraform, and executing the Gatling performance test:


    The script includes the following steps:

    • Creates an ECR and deploys Docker containers for Gatling, Grafana, and Graphite.
    • Initializes and applies Terraform configurations to create the required cloud infrastructure.
    • Runs the Gatling performance test and collects the results.
      • Gatling will run on 2 different Fargate instances: normal task and leader mode
      • normal task (n-1): will just run Gatling
      • leader (1): will run Gatling in the same way, but in the end wait for all tasks to finish and then create an overall report and push it to S3


    Access Grafana to monitor the test results:

    # Replace with your Grafana URL from the grafana task in ECS

    Stop the Test

    When you want to abort a running test, execute the stop-test.sh script:


    Clean Up

    After the test is complete, you clean up resources using the delete-all-resources.sh script. Be cautious: this will delete all resources, including the S3 bucket (containing the results) and the ECR registry with the docker images. If you restart your tests you have to upload the docker images again and results are lost forever.

    The entire setup won't cause much costs. For ECR and S3 you pay per GB, but the results and images don't need much space. ECS itself doesn't cost anything when there are no running tasks. Graphite and Grafana might cause the highest cost as they are constantly running services. CloudMap will cost a bit for using the Graphite DNS. So always consider this.



This project leverages AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service) with Fargate instances to create load with Gatling (Java).

Architecture Diagram:

It is not meant to be a fully web oriented app. This tool has a local JavaFX interface and shell scripts to trigger load tests inside the cloud and retrieve results after. Locally the configuration is done, docker images are built and cloud infrastructure is created.

It is important to notice, the the entire app works serverless with Fargate instances. The amount of vCPU for Fargate is usually restricted and you might need to increase the quota accordin to your needs.

All ECS tasks run within the same VPC. To reach the Graphite server to store and read time series data, a CloudMap DNS is in place. The IP would change on every new deplyoment, so service discovery is required here for other services beeing able to access Graphite.

Graphite and Grafana run as services where both have exactly one task running.

Gatling runs only as tasks. Every time a test starts it will trigger n-1 normal Gatling tasks and exactly 1 Gatling leader. The leader is responsible for creating the overall report and pushing report details into S3 so that the user and retrieve and analyse them locally again.



Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any enhancements or bug fixes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.