R0Y15 / WeatherNow

A Weather Forecasting website that tells you precisely about weather
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Documentation: Contributing Guide #135

Open Zemerik opened 2 weeks ago

Zemerik commented 2 weeks ago


To make it easier for people who would like to contribute to the project, let's create a Contributing.md file with specific instructions on how to contribute. This would make it easier for maintainers, as contributors would know what to do and what not to do when submitting a PR. Creating a Contributing file is also one of the community standards.

Regards, Zemerik

R0Y15 commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @Zemerik, I'm happy that you're interested in my project, I'm please to know whether you'd like to work on this issue, please provide a confirmation so that I can assign this to you. thanks

Zemerik commented 3 days ago

Sure, I would love to work on this issue.

R0Y15 commented 2 days ago

Alright assigned it to u.. :)