R0Y15 / WeatherNow

A Weather Forecasting website that tells you precisely about weather
8 stars 20 forks source link


A Weather Forecasting website that tells you precisely about weather conditions of any city in the world. It also has a feature to tell you the weather conditions of your current location. It is made using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and OpenWeatherMap API.

You can visit the site here -> https://r0y15.github.io/WeatherNow/

Please read all the instructions carefully before contributing to the project.

How to contribute

  1. Fork this repository to your GitHub account
  2. Clone the repository to your local machine
    $git clone ~your clone link~ 
  3. Create a branch with your name
    $git checkout -b ~your name~
  4. Make necessary changes and commit those changes
    $git add .
    $git commit -m "your message"
  5. Push changes to GitHub
    $git push origin ~your branch name~
  6. Submit your changes for review, if you go to your repository on GitHub, you'll see a Compare & pull request button. Click on that button.
  7. Now submit the pull request.

It's that easy, isn't it? We are waiting for your pull request...

How to get Conclude

Make sure you add your Namecard in the contributors.html file in the given format that you can find on the file itself

Don't you feel happy and enlightened while contributing to this project. Give it a star then, it'll make us even more happier... Happy hacking :)