RADAR-base / RADAR-K8s-Infrastructure

Streamline RADAR-base K8s deployment with cloud infrastructure provisioning
Apache License 2.0
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radar-base terraform


This repository aims to provide IaC templates for RADAR-Kubernetes users who intend to deploy the platform to Kubernetes clusters supported by cloud providers such as AWS.

Terraform validate Terraform validate


Terraform >= 1.7.0, < 1.8.0
AWS CLI >= 2.11


It is recommended that you use RADAR-K8s-Infrastructure as a template and create your own IaC repository from it (starting with a private one probably). Make sure to customise enclosed templates to your needs before creating the desired infrastructure.

use this template

Configure credentials

# For temporary credentials and SSO


The definition of resources required for running RADAR-base components is located in the cluster directory, while other optional resources are defined in the config directory. Please treat each directory as a separate workspace and perform terraform operations individually. The cluster resources need to be created and made fully available before you proceed with the creation of the config ones.

To retain the user-specific configurations for future infrastructure updates, modify terraform.tfvars within the workspace and push the change to your repository. If needed, additional variables defined in variables.tf can also be included there. :information_source: Important Notice
As a best practice, never save raw values of secret variables in your repository. Instead, always encrypt them before committing. If your cluster is no longer in use, run terraform destory to delete all the associated resources and reduce your cloud spending. If you have resources created within config, run terraform destory in that directory before running the counterpart in cluster.

Create the infrastructure

cd cluster
# Initialise the working directory

terraform init
# Review the changes going to be made 

terraform plan
# Create/update the infrastructure

terraform apply --auto-approve

Created resources:

Connect to and verify the cluster

# Make sure to use --region if the cluster is deployed in non-default region and --profile if the cluster is deployed in a non-default AWS account
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name [eks_cluster_name]
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get pods -A

Once the infrastructure update is finished successfully, you can start deploying RADAR-base components to the newly created cluster by following the Installation Guide. Before running helmfile sync, you will find it necessary to configure certain resource values which are required by production.yaml but only known post to infrastructure creation. We have exported the values of those resources and you can get them by simply running:

terraform output

You could also automate this value injection by implementing your own templating strategy to customise production.yaml

Configure the cluster (optional)

N.B.: To get external DNS, Cert Manager and SMTP working via Route 53 (if chosen as your DNS service), you need to configure your registered top-level domain and its corresponding hosted zone ID via variable domain_name in config/terraform.tfvars. Additionally, set enable_route53 to true.

cd config
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply --auto-approve

Optional resource creations are disabled by default. To enable the creation of a specific resource named X, navigate to config/terraform.tfvars and update the value of enable_X to true before applying the tempate.

Created resources (if all enabled):

Known limitations