RAUI-labs / raui

Rust implementation of Renderer Agnostic User Interface
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RAUI Crates.ioDocs.rs


RAUI is a renderer agnostic UI system that is heavily inspired by React's declarative UI composition and the UE4 Slate widget components system.

🗣 Pronunciation: RAUI is pronounced like "ra" ( the Egyptian god ) + "oui" (french for "yes" ) — Audio Example.

The main idea behind RAUI architecture is to treat UI as another data source that you transform into your target renderable data format used by your rendering engine of choice.



Application is the central point of user interest. It performs whole UI processing logic. There you apply widget tree that wil be processed, send messages from host application to widgets and receive signals sent from widgets to host application.

// Coords mapping tell RAUI renderers how to convert coordinates
// between virtual-space and ui-space.
let mapping = CoordsMapping::new(Rect {
    left: 0.0,
    right: 1024.0,
    top: 0.0,
    bottom: 576.0,

// Application is UI host.
let mut application = Application::default();
// we use setup functions to register component and props mappings for serialization.
// we can also register them at any time one by one.
application.register_component("app", FnWidget::pointer(app));

// Widget tree is simply a set of nested widget nodes.
let tree = make_widget!(app)
    .named_slot("title", make_widget!(title_bar).with_props("Hello".to_owned()))
    .named_slot("content", make_widget!(vertical_box)
        .listed_slot(make_widget!(text_button).key("hi").with_props("Say hi!".to_owned()))

// some dummy widget tree renderer.
// it reads widget unit tree and transforms it into target format.
let mut renderer = JsonRenderer::default();

// `apply()` sets new widget tree.

// `render()` calls renderer to perform transformations on processed application widget tree.
// by default application won't process widget tree if nothing was changed.
// "change" is either any widget state change, or new message sent to any widget (messages
// can be sent from application host, for example a mouse click, or from another widget).
if let Ok(output) = application.render::<JsonRenderer, String, _>(&mapping, &mut renderer) {
    println!("* OUTPUT:\n{}", output);


Widgets are divided into three categories:

let tree = make_widget!(app)
    .named_slot("title", make_widget!(title_bar).with_props("Hello".to_owned()))
    .named_slot("content", make_widget!(vertical_box)
        .listed_slot(make_widget!(text_button).key("hi").with_props("Say hi!".to_owned()))

Component Function

Component functions are static functions that transforms input data (properties, state or neither of them) into output widget tree (usually used to simply wrap another components tree under one simple component, where at some point the simplest components returns final WidgetUnit's). They work together as a chain of transforms - root component applies some properties into children components using data from its own properties or state.

#[derive(PropsData, Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct AppProps {
    pub index: usize,
fn app(context: WidgetContext) -> WidgetNode {
    let WidgetContext {
        props, named_slots, ..
    } = context;
    // easy way to get widgets from named slots.
    unpack_named_slots!(named_slots => { title, content });
    let index = props.read::<AppProps>().map(|p| p.index).unwrap_or(0);

    // we always return new widgets tree.


This may bring up a question: "If i use only functions and no objects to tell how to visualize UI, how do i keep some data between each render run?". For that you use states. State is a data that is stored between each processing calls as long as given widget is alive (that means: as long as widget id stays the same between two processing calls, to make sure your widget stays the same, you use keys - if no key is assigned, system will generate one for your widget but that will make it possible to die at any time if for example number of widget children changes in your common parent, your widget will change its id when key wasn't assigned). Some additional notes: While you use properties to send information down the tree and states to store widget data between processing cals, you can communicate with another widgets and host application using messages and signals! More than that, you can use hooks to listen for widget life cycle and perform actions there. It's worth noting that state uses properties to hold its data, so by that you can for example attach multiple hooks that each of them uses different data type as widget state, this opens the doors to be very creative when combining different hooks that operate on the same widget.

#[derive(PropsData, Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct ButtonState {
    pub pressed: bool,


Hooks are used to put common widget logic into separate functions that can be chained in widgets and another hooks (you can build a reusable dependency chain of logic with that). Usually it is used to listen for life cycle events such as mount, change and unmount, additionally you can chain hooks to be processed sequentially in order they are chained in widgets and other hooks.

#[derive(MessageData, Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum ButtonAction {

fn use_empty(context: &mut WidgetContext) {
    context.life_cycle.mount(|_| {
        println!("* EMPTY MOUNTED");

    context.life_cycle.change(|_| {
        println!("* EMPTY CHANGED");

    context.life_cycle.unmount(|_| {
        println!("* EMPTY UNMOUNTED");

// you use life cycle hooks for storing closures that will be called when widget will be
// mounted/changed/unmounted. they exists for you to be able to reuse some common logic across
// multiple components. each closure provides arguments such as:
// - widget id
// - widget state
// - message sender (this one is used to message other widgets you know about)
// - signal sender (this one is used to message application host)
// although this hook uses only life cycle, you can make different hooks that use many
// arguments, even use context you got from the component!
fn use_button(context: &mut WidgetContext) {
    context.life_cycle.mount(|context| {
        println!("* BUTTON MOUNTED: {}", context.id.key());
        let _ = context.state.write(ButtonState { pressed: false });

    context.life_cycle.change(|context| {
        println!("* BUTTON CHANGED: {}", context.id.key());
        for msg in context.messenger.messages {
            if let Some(msg) = msg.as_any().downcast_ref::<ButtonAction>() {
                let pressed = match msg {
                    ButtonAction::Pressed => true,
                    ButtonAction::Released => false,
                println!("* BUTTON ACTION: {:?}", msg);
                let _ = context.state.write(ButtonState { pressed });
                let _ = context.signals.write(*msg);

    context.life_cycle.unmount(|context| {
        println!("* BUTTON UNMOUNTED: {}", context.id.key());

fn button(mut context: WidgetContext) -> WidgetNode {
    let WidgetContext { key, props, .. } = context;
    println!("* PROCESS BUTTON: {}", key);


What happens under the hood:


RAUI exposes the [Application::layout()][core::application::Application::layout] API to allow use of virtual-to-real coords mapping and custom layout engines to perform widget tree positioning data, which is later used by custom UI renderers to specify boxes where given widgets should be placed. Every call to perform layouting will store a layout data inside Application, you can always access that data at any time. There is a DefaultLayoutEngine that does this in a generic way. If you find some part of its pipeline working different than what you've expected, feel free to create your custom layout engine!

let mut application = Application::default();
let mut layout_engine = DefaultLayoutEngine;
    "* TREE INSPECTION:\n{:#?}",
if application.layout(&mapping, &mut layout_engine).is_ok() {
    println!("* LAYOUT:\n{:#?}", application.layout_data());


RAUI allows you to ease and automate interactions with UI by use of Interactions Engine - this is just a struct that implements perform_interactions method with reference to Application, and all you should do there is to send user input related messages to widgets. There is DefaultInteractionsEngine that covers widget navigation, button and input field - actions sent from input devices such as mouse (or any single pointer), keyboard and gamepad. When it comes to UI navigation you can send raw NavSignal messages to the default interactions engine and despite being able to select/unselect widgets at will, you have typical navigation actions available: up, down, left, right, previous tab/screen, next tab/screen, also being able to focus text inputs and send text input changes to focused input widget. All interactive widget components that are provided by RAUI handle all NavSignal actions in their hooks, so all user has to do is to just activate navigation features for them (using NavItemActive unit props). RAUI integrations that want to just use use default interactions engine should make use of this struct composed in them and call its interact method with information about what input change was made. There is an example of that feature covered in RAUI App crate (AppInteractionsEngine struct).

interact: core::interactive::default_interactions_engine::DefaultInteractionsEngine::interact

DefaultInteractionsEngine: core::interactive::default_interactions_engine::DefaultInteractionsEngine

NOTE: Interactions engines should use layout for pointer events so make sure that you rebuild layout before you perform interactions!

let mut application = Application::default();
// default interactions engine covers typical pointer + keyboard + gamepad navigation/interactions.
let mut interactions = DefaultInteractionsEngine::default();
// we interact with UI by sending interaction messages to the engine.
interactions.interact(Interaction::PointerMove(Vec2 { x: 200.0, y: 100.0 }));
    Vec2 { x: 200.0, y: 100.0 },
// navigation/interactions works only if we have navigable items (such as `button`) registered
// in some navigable container (usually containers with `nav_` prefix).
let tree = make_widget!(nav_content_box)
        .named_slot("content", make_widget!(image_box).key("icon"))
let mapping = CoordsMapping::new(Rect {
    left: 0.0,
    right: 1024.0,
    top: 0.0,
    bottom: 576.0,
    .layout(&mapping, &mut DefaultLayoutEngine)
// Since interactions engines require constructed layout to process interactions we have to
// process interactions after we layout the UI.
application.interact(&mut interactions).unwrap();



Any contribution that improves quality of the RAUI toolset is highly appreciated.


RAUI is still in early development phase, so prepare for these changes until v1.0:

Things that now are done: