RBeneroff / Spaced-Out-FrontEnd

Spaced Out (group project) - Typography site, Rails/Ruby/AngularJS
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angularjs front-end ruby-on-rails typography

Spaced Out

Project Four - (front) Rails/Ruby/AngularJS


https://spaced-out-backend.herokuapp.com/users (https://github.com/Splitbreed/TypescriptAPI GitHub Repo)

Technologies used: Rails, Ruby, AngularJS, PostgreSQL, Javascript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, Google Fonts API, Express, NodeJS, Materialize (and full CRUD functionality with RESTful routes)

When visiting Spaced Out, a visitor has the option to view our Fonts page demo or sign up/log in. If a user is not signed in they do not have access to any other pages. Once a user logs in they are redirected to their Profile page. On this page the user can type whatever they'd like into a text area, choose a font and a size and see it to the right of the text area. If the user decided they like that font they can click the Add To Favorites button and the font will be added to their list of favorites. In the dashboard section of the profile page, the user can see all their favorite fonts and delete fonts that they no longer like. The user can also update their email or password if they wish.

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