RDFLib / VocPrez

A tool (API and web front-end) for the read-only delivery system of SKOS vocabularies.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Handle blank node property values elegantly #46

Open rob-metalinkage opened 3 years ago

rob-metalinkage commented 3 years ago

Showing a blank node id is rather unhelpful.

If the object is an OWL class - then you may have multiple rdfs:subClassOf restrictions as blank nodes that looks rather ugly.

pending an option to control nested object display shapes explicitly a reasonable logic would be to only show a property value of a blank node if the node has a label

to provide some control this can be tuned: a) use skos:prefLabel over rdfs:label b) suppress property value display if skos:prefLabel is an empty string ""

deployers can entail suitable labels to control display and users never need to see blank nodes.

nicholascar commented 3 years ago

Can you put a link in to an example of BN display now?

rob-metalinkage commented 3 years ago
