RDFLib / VocPrez

A tool (API and web front-end) for the read-only delivery system of SKOS vocabularies.
GNU General Public License v3.0
21 stars 13 forks source link

ARCHIVED: VocPrez is now incorporated into Prez!

VocPrez is a read-only web delivery system - web pages and API - for Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS)-formulated RDF vocabularies. It complies with Content Negotiation by Profile.


VocPrez is used by:

The Open Geospatial Consortium 's Definitions Server

System link: https://defs.opengis.net/vocprez/
The British Oceanographic Data Centre 's NERC Vocabulary Server

System link: http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk
Geological Survey of Queensland

System link: https://vocabs.gsq.digital
Geoscience Australia

System link (demo): http://ga.surroundaustralia.com
Commission for the Management and Application of Geoscience Information (CGI)

System link: http://cgi.vocabs.ga.gov.au/
British Geological Survey (BGS)

System link: https://data.bgs.ac.uk/vocprez/


Run locally

Run the WSGI application on a Linux/Mac command line from the repository root directory like this:

gunicorn wsgi:application

To do that you will have to have installed the Python package gunicorn, as per the listed requirement in requirements.deploy.txt

Full documentation

See the documentation at https://rdflib.dev/VocPrez/.


This code is licensed using the GPL v3 licence. See the LICENSE file in this repository for the deed.

Regarding attribution as per the license: please ensure that the VocPrez logo is visible on all public instance of VocPrez.


Lead Developer:
Nicholas Car
Data Architect