RE-SS3D / SS3D-WebsiteOLD

Old website for Space Station 3D.
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space-station-3d ss3d website

SS3D BannerOLD (archived) website repository for Space Station 3D!

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**THIS REPOSITORY IS NO LONGER BEING MAINTAINED!! WE HAVE MOVED THE WEBSITE TO A NEW REPOSITORY LOCATED AT [](** ## Requirements - [jekyll]( - [rmagick]( ## Local Setup ### On Linux Linux is the simplest as it's what these technologies are designed for. Especially ubuntu: sudo apt install libmagickwand-dev gem install jekyll bundler rmagick git clone cd Website bundle ### On Windows On windows you need to use [WSL - Ubuntu]( Search for the 18.04 version otherwise you will get errors. The instructions below are based on the [jekyll WSL instructions]( and [rmagick install instructions]( Once ubuntu is downloaded, open up powershell or command prompt, or directly open ubuntu (and skip the first line). bash sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt-add-repository ppa:brightbox/ruby-ng -y sudo apt install ruby2.5 ruby2.5-dev build-essential dh-autoreconf libmagickwand-dev -y sudo gem update (ignore errors and continue) sudo gem install jekyll:3.1.6 rmagick:5.1.0 bundler:2.3.6 jekyll -v (should report 3.1.6) cd "website location" (or open the console form the website location) sudo bundle install Enter each line one by one, the whole process might take a while. You can confirm jekyll is installed by entering: jekyll -v Finally, whenever you want to run the website, open bash and navigate to the folder in which this repo is cloned, then follow the next section. *Hint: you can easily open ubuntu at a desired folder by opening the folder, shift-right clicking on an empty section in the folder with nothing selected, and selecting 'Open PowerShell window here', then typing `bash` into the prompt.* ## Running local website bundle exec jekyll serve Add: - `--watch` for automatically rebuilding site for any changes. - `--host` to make server listen on all IPs, to allow for mobile testing. - `--future` if you are testing a blog post with a date/time in the future. Website should be accessible at ## Creating the Devblog A template for the blog posts exists at [./_drafts/](./_drafts/ A checklist regarding the process of the devblog can be found on our [management board]( ## LICENSE All **CODE** falls under the **[MIT](** license. All **ASSETS** fall under the **[CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](** license.