RESOStandards / reso-certification-help

Documentation for the RESO Certification System
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Table of Contents

Certification Endorsements
Endorsements Page | Filtering and Sorting
Summary Report | Data Elements View | Performance View
Data Dictionary Report | Exploring the Data
Web API Report
Other Guides

Certification Endorsements

At this time, there are two possible endorsements that can be issued to data providers, Data Dictionary 1.7 and Web API Core 2.0.0, each of which have different reports.

Endorsements are shown under their respective organizations at

Endorsements Page

The Endorsements page includes the data elements (e.g., Data Dictionary, Web API), endorsement version, status and status date for each certified organization.


Filtering and Sorting

There are several sorting and filtering options at the top of the endorsements page.


Organization Name or Identifier Search

Filter by typing in an organization name or Unique Organization Identifier (UOI).


Filtering by Endorsement Type



Sort by organization name alphabetically, ascending or descending.


Sort by the date/time certifications were issued, ascending or descending. This will show each endorsement individually rather than grouped by organization.


The endorsements page may also be accessed by selecting the Endorsements option at the top of the page. This option is hidden if you are currently on the endorsements page itself.


Selecting the RESO logo at the top left also directs back the Endorsement view.


Summary Report


Summary reports show information about the resources, fields and lookups that were found during certification testing.

Each report contains two views, Data Elements and Performance, accessed from a dropdown at the top of the page.


Data Elements View

The Data Elements view shows the field and lookup counts and how they compare to industry averages. The counts are broken down by Advertised and Available data.

Advertised: the data elements that were found in the server metadata
Available: the data elements that were found in the payload during sampling

Use the Availability Threshold slider to set a minimum data availability that each field and lookup in the data set must be greater than or equal to. The default availability threshold level shows the count of data elements with availability greater than zero.


Located below the charts, the Resources dropdown menu provides a data filter to the specific resource selected. For example, if Property is selected, chart data will only include Property fields and lookups. Elements relating to other resources (e.g., Member, Office, etc.) will be omitted.


Performance View

The Performance view shows the data provider’s server metrics.


Performance Metrics

Performance is measured on:

N/A - means that the given recipient has not completed Data Dictionary availability testing yet.

Estimated Seconds per 1,000 Records - the estimated time it takes to retrieve 1,000 records from the server. Shows for the specific provider and industry average.

Please contact RESO at if you have any questions.

Data Dictionary Report


The Data Dictionary Report allows you to explore the data elements of the organization being viewed.


Exploring the Data

Your guide to RESO certification terms:

Resources are at the top level of the data structure. Think of a resource as the category of the items contained within it. Examples of resources are Property, Member and Office.

Fields are contained within resources and are the descriptions of the listing components themselves. Examples of fields are ListPrice, Appliances and YearBuilt.

Lookups are the options within certain fields (e.g., Appliances). Within Appliances, there are lookups such as Dishwasher, Gas Oven and Dryer.

The top right section of the report displays the overall counts of data elements.


The Data Elements buttons allow filtering by the following data sets:

All - The combination of RESO + Local
RESO - All resources, fields and lookups matching the RESO Data Dictionary
Local - Market-specific custom resources, fields and lookups
IDX - Resources, fields and lookups for public display by an MLS broker participant


Selecting a resource displays all of the fields within it. Data availability percentages and payload statistics are also shown.


The text filter box allows you to search for fields across all resources.



Selecting a field displays the lookups (if applicable), OData information and a link to its Data Dictionary Wiki entry.


The lookup filter buttons above the lookup values allow filtering by All, RESO and Local. RESO Data Dictionary lookup values are also linked to the Data Dictionary Wiki.


Web API Report


The Web API Core report displays the name of the organization that was tested as well as that of the data provider.

The report also shows which version of OData the RESO Web API Server was using, the authentication type (OAuth 2 Bearer Token or Client Credentials) and the fields that were used for testing.


Other Guides


Contains information for data providers. For example, MLS vendors who are going through the RESO Certification process with their customers.

Guide for customers of data providers. This would typically be an MLS receiving certification from an MLS vendor.

Normal Users
Normal users have special accounts assigned to them so they can access RESO Certification System information from an API rather than the website.

Administrator's guide to the RESO Certification System.