RETURN-project / makeDataCube

Data management
Apache License 2.0
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The makeDataCube R project generates a data cube from Landsat data using FORCE and allows to generate and add a data mask to the data cube.

You can install it via:



Install locally

This script requires certain programs to be installed in your computer in order to work. The guide below will help you through this process.

Install using a Docker image

We made available a Docker image with all the requirements pre-installed. Please run

docker pull returnproject/makedatacube:v01

to obtain it and add it to your docker images. After installing, you can use it, for example, like this:

docker run -t returnproject/makedatacube:v01 \
Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render('vignettes/make_Landsat_cube.Rmd', params = list(starttime = '2000-11-1', endtime = '2001-5-28’))”

The corresponding Dockerfile is also available in inst/docker/Dockerfile.

Keep in mind that these images cannot and should not include your credentials. Click here for a shortcut to include your credentials in your own Docker image.

Install using a Singularity image

If you are more comfortable with Singularity, we pushed an image to Singularity Cloud Services. You can use:

singularity pull --arch amd64 library://returnproject/default/makedatacube:v1

to obtain it. It will download a file with a name like makeDataCube_v01.sif. After installing, you can use it, for example, like this:

singularity exec makeDataCube_v01.sif \
Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render('vignettes/make_Landsat_cube.Rmd', params = list(starttime = '2000-11-1', endtime = '2001-5-28’))”

The corresponding .def file is available in inst/singularity/full.def.

Keep in mind that these images cannot and should not include your credentials. Click here for a shortcut to include your credentials in your own Singularity image.


This script connects to different data sources. Some of them require credentials, typically a username and a password. Please follow this guide to get yours:

A presentation about this project was given at Wageningen University on Nov 8th 2021. The slides are temporarily available here.

Visual workflow


If you experience any problem, please take a look at our troubleshooting section.

Launch in Spider

For launching the analysis in Spider follow the next steps:

  1. Navigate to your personal space.
  2. Clone this project git clone
  3. Get inside the cloned directory: cd makeDataCube.
  4. Edit inputs.csv with your desired inputs.
  5. If desired, the processing parameter can be adjusted in the vignette make_Landsat_cube.Rmd. More information about these parameters can be found in the documentation and tutorials of FORCE.
  6. Run sbatch --array=2-3 -N1 ./ inputs.csv (note that --array=2-3 processes the lines 2 and 3 of inputs.csv).
  7. The outputs will be transferred to OUTPUTD="/home/${USER}/outputs". Do you want to change this? Edit it in

Key files

Visual overview

When running on Spider, the workflow is slightly modified: