For this task, you will learn to make your own branch!
To check what branches you have
git branch -v
You should see that you are on main branch with highlights on it
To create your own branch with your [NAME] and enter it
git checkout -b [NAME]
Using following command again to double check if your branch is now changed to the new branch
git branch -v
You should see something like this (example [NAME]: darlene)
Now you are ready to make some changes on your code
First, make the designated change on your code following the instruction in code.c
Second, upload the code piece to your own branch following the add, commit and push sequence that we learnt before
git add *
git commit -am "updated by [NAME]"
git push --set-upstream origin [NAME]
Finally, you should see this following text printed out on your terminal
Now your branch is all updated, you are ready to make a final update to main branch!
First, go back to your main branch by using the following command
git checkout main
Then, make sure you are actually back by using
git branch -v
Note: Try to do a simple git pull action now to make sure that your local main branch is still updated. If your local main branch is no longer the updated version, your following action will FAIL or getting very complicated!!!!
Now your are ready to merge!! You will perform a pull action on the main branch to your [NAME] branch
git pull origin [NAME]
If there is no conflicts that needs to be resolved, you are good to go! Go ahead and make the commit and upload by add, commit and push!
git add *
git commit -am "merged by [NAME]"
git push
You should now see the following print outs. It means you are ready to get someone to approve!
Ask your assigned person to approve your code! (The arrow means that you need to find the targeted person to ask for approval)
The visualized tutorial is at the end of the page under "Pull Code from Github Repository page.pdf"
We can also trace your approval history and comments to make sure all the tasks are done properly
Don't forget to approve other people's code as well! Just click the button and write your comments. Your will need to approve AT LEAST ONE person in this team.