RIPAGlobal / omniauth-entra-id

OAuth 2 authentication with the Azure ActiveDirectory V2 API.
MIT License
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OAuth 2 authentication with Entra ID API. Rationale:

This gem combines the two and makes some changes to support the Entra API. The old ActiveDirectory V1 API used OpenID Connect. If you need this, a gem from Microsoft is available here, but seems to be abandoned.

If upgrading from older versions of this gem under its old name of "Azure ActiveDirectory V2", please follow the instructions in


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'omniauth-entra-id'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install omniauth-entra-id


Please start by reading for basic configuration and background information. Note that with this gem, you must use strategy name entra_id rather than azure_oauth2. Additional configuration information is given below.

Entra ID server configuration

In most cases, you only want to receive 'verified' email addresses in your application. For older app registrations in the Entra portal, this may need to be enabled explicitly. It's enabled by default for new multi-tenant app registrations made after June 2023.


With OmniAuth::Builder

You can do something like this for a static / fixed configuration:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
      client_id:     ENV['ENTRA_CLIENT_ID'],
      client_secret: ENV['ENTRA_CLIENT_SECRET']

...or, if using a custom provider class (called YouTenantProvider in this example, described in more detail later):

Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do

With Devise

In your config/initializers/devise.rb file you can do something like this for a static / fixed configuration:

    client_id:     ENV['ENTRA_CLIENT_ID'],
    client_secret: ENV['ENTRA_CLIENT_SECRET']

...or, if using a custom provider class (called YouTenantProvider in this example, described in more detail later):


Configuration options

All of the items listed below are optional, unless noted otherwise. They can be provided either in a static configuration Hash as shown in examples above, or via read accessor instance methods in a provider class (more on this later).

To have your application authenticate with Entra via a client secret, specify client_secret. If you instead want to use certificate-based authentication via client assertion, give the certificate_path and tenant_id instead. You should provide only client_secret or certificate_path, not both.

If you're using the client assertion flow, you need to register your certificate in the Entra portal. For more information, please see the documentation.

Option Use
client_id Mandatory. Client ID for the 'application' (integration) configured on the Entra side. Found via the Entra UI.
client_secret Mandatory for client secret flow. Client secret for the 'application' (integration) configured on the Entra side. Found via the Entra UI. Don't give this if using client assertion flow.
certificate_path Mandatory for client assertion flow. Don't give this if using a client secret instead of client assertion. This should be the filepath to a PKCS#12 file.
tenant_id Mandatory for client assertion flow. Entra Tenant ID for multi-tenanted use. Default is common. Forms part of the Entra OAuth URL - {base}/{tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/...
base_url Location of Entra login page, for specialised requirements; default is OmniAuth::Strategies::EntraId::BASE_URL (at the time of writing, this is
tenant_name For what is currently known by its old name of "Azure ActiveDirectory B2C" (and only active if custom_policy is also provided - see below), set the tenancy name to constructs the correct B2C endpoint of {tenant_name}{tenant_name}{custom_policy>}" and uses that for auth calls. This is a convenience feature; thebase_entra_url` option could also be manually built up in the same way.
custom_policy Custom policy. Default is nil. Used in conjunction with tenant_name- see above.
authorize_params Additional parameters passed as URL query data in the initial OAuth redirection to Microsoft. See below for more. Empty Hash default.
domain_hint If defined, sets (overwriting, if already present) domain_hint inside authorize_params. Default nil / none.
scope If defined, sets (overwriting, if already present) scope inside authorize_params. Default is OmniAuth::Strategies::EntraId::DEFAULT_SCOPE (at the time of writing, this is 'openid profile email').
adfs If defined, modifies the URLs so they work with an on premise ADFS server. In order to use this you also need to set the base_url correctly and fill the tenant_id with 'adfs'.

In addition, as a special case, if the request URL contains a query parameter prompt, then this will be written into authorize_params under that key, overwriting if present any other value there. Note that this comes from the current request URL at the time OAuth flow is commencing, not via static options Hash data or via a custom provider class - but you could just as easily set scope inside a custom authorize_params returned from a provider class, as shown in an example later; the request URL query mechanism is just another way of doing the same thing.

Explaining custom_policy and tenant_name

When using Azure ActiveDirectory B2C - which seems to be distinct from Entra ID and not renamed as of October 2024 - tenants can define custom policies. With normal OAuth use cases, when the underlying oauth2 gem creates the request for getting a token via POST, it places all params (which would include anything you've provided in the normal configuration to name your custom policy) in the body of the request. This would not work. Microsoft's documentation indicates that when requesting a token, they want the name of custom policies to be given in the URL rather than in the body of the request. They ignore a custom policy specified in the body.

Solve this for B2C use cases by giving your tenant name and custom policy name in the relevant configuration options. This causes a base URL to be constructed as follows:


Explaining authorize_params

The authorize_params hash-like object contains key-value pairs which are added to existing standard OAuth data in the initial POST request made by this gem from your web site, to the Microsoft Entra login page, at the start of OAuth flow. You can find these listed some way down the table just below an OAuth URL example at:

...looking for in particular items from prompt onwards. For example, Microsoft say that a prompt option of select_account will always lead to the account selection UI to be shown at login, whether or not the user is currently signed into a Microsoft Entra ID account in that browser session. You would active it using options that look something like this in your OmniAuth Builder or Devise setup code:

  client_id:        ENV['ENTRA_CLIENT_ID'],
  client_secret:    ENV['ENTRA_CLIENT_SECRET']
  authorize_params: {
    prompt: 'select_account'

Dynamic options via a custom provider class

Documentation mentioned earlier at gives an example of setting tenant ID dynamically via a custom provider class. We can also use that class in other ways. For example, let's rewrite it thus:

class YouTenantProvider
  def initialize(strategy)
    @strategy = strategy

  def client_id

  def client_secret

  def authorize_params
    ap = {}

    if @strategy.request && @strategy.request.params['login_hint']
      ap['login_hint'] = @strategy.request.params['login_hint']

    # (...and/or set other options such as 'prompt' here...)

    return ap

In this example, we're providing custom authorize_params. You can just return a standard Ruby Hash here, using lower case String or Symbol keys. The strategy value given to the initializer is an instance of OmniAuth::Strategies::EntraId which is a subclass of OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2, but that's not all that helpful! What's more useful is to know that the Rails request object is available via @strategy.request and, likewise, the session store via @strategy.session. This gives you a lot of flexibility for responding to an inbound request or user session, varying the parameters used for the Entra OAuth flow.

In method #authorize_params above, the request object is used to look for a login_hint query string entry, set in whichever view(s) is/are presented by your application for use when your users need to be redirected to the OmniAuth controller in order to kick off OAuth with Entra. The value is copied into the authorize_params Hash. Earlier, it was mentioned that there was a special case of prompt being pulled from the request URL query data, but that this could also be done via a custom provider - here, you can see how; just check @strategy.request.params['prompt'] and copy that into authorize_params if preset.

NB: Naming things is hard! The predecessor gem used the name YouTenantProvider since it was focused on custom tenant provision, but if using this in a more generic way, perhaps consider a more generic name such as, say, CustomOmniAuthEntraProvider.

Special case scope override

If required and more convenient, you can specify a custom scope value via generation of an authorisation URL including that required scope, rather than by using a custom provider class with def scope...end method. Include the scope value in your call to generate the URL thus:

omniauth_authorize_url('resource_name_eg_user', 'entra_id', scope: '...')


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Making changes


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in this project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists must follow the code of conduct.