RIT-NTNU-Bachelor / face-detection-libface

Face detection with a library. Detects multiple faces and sets 5 landmarks.
MIT License
0 stars 0 forks source link
cpp face-detection opencv

Face Detection with libfacedetection library

This is a experimental repository for testing the library called libfacedetection.

About the library:

This is an open source library for CNN-based face detection in images. The CNN model has been converted to static variables in C source files. The source code does not depend on any other libraries. What you need is just a C++ compiler. You can compile the source code under Windows, Linux, ARM and any platform with a C++ compiler.

The library can be found on Github here: https://github.com/ShiqiYu/libfacedetection

How to run?

This repository is using CMake. You can use the CMake plugin for vscode or use the command line.

  1. Make a build dir and cd into it:
    mkdir build
    cd build
  2. Run the cmake command:
    cmake ../
  3. Run the make command
  4. Run the executable created


This repository implement the example that was given. It has:


Screenshot from 2024-02-22 09-52-00