RIVeR-Lab / apriltags_ros

AprilTags for ROS
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Transformation to display in rviz #18

Closed Flacedoo closed 7 years ago

Flacedoo commented 7 years ago

Hello, I'm really new to all the ros and apriltag stuff, so please excuse if i've got a dump question.

I think tf could solve my problem, but I don't really get how to solve this problem in regard to the specific topics from apriltags.

I made a world in gazebo with a camera and a few markers. I can easily display them in rviz as well, with the gazebo2rviz package. With the apriltags package, I could easily display the relativ marker position to the camera as well.

What I want to do is transform the relative positions from the tag_detections to the rest of the world, published by the gazebo2rviz. Gazebo2rviz publishes the position of the camera, and it's named nearly the same as the camera is named by the tag_detections, with the only diffrence that tag_detections uses the real name, and gazebo2rviz uses underscores instead of slashes.

It would be great if someone of you could help me solving my issue.