RIVeR-Lab / apriltags_ros

AprilTags for ROS
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Installing and using #3

Open marcelinomalmeidan opened 8 years ago

marcelinomalmeidan commented 8 years ago

Hey guys... Would you have guidelines on how to install this on ROS? I haven't been able to install this package by any means. I am using ROS Indigo on 14.04.

23pointsNorth commented 8 years ago

The long way would be to create a catkin workspace, clone the repo, catkin_make it. Otherwise, simply sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-apriltags-ros This will pull the version from the ubuntu ppa. Take note that the version there doesn't contain the launch file (you can copy it from the repo here).

marcelinomalmeidan commented 8 years ago

@23pointsNorth, thanks! Sorry it took so long, but I finally tried to install it. I wasn't able to install using catkin_make (it said that needed some dependencies on eigen, which I have btw). Anyway, it worked with the apt-get.

I was trying to detect tags using the AprilTags on ROS, and I was actually able to detect them. However, when I check the topic /tag_detections_pose or the /tf, it always gives translation=[0,0,0], rotation=[0,0,0,1]. Is AprilTags supposed to give me at least rotation or am I missing something?

23pointsNorth commented 8 years ago

Do you have the camera calibrated? It requires information to be published on the CameraInfo topic.

marcelinomalmeidan commented 8 years ago

@23pointsNorth You were right, I didn't setup the calibration file correctly and it was giving weird outputs. BTW, from your experience what would be the optimal setup for using apriltags? I am currently using in an i7-4600U CPU (2.10Ghz - Turbo 3.3GHz) with Hyperthreading disabled. The image camera source is in 1280x720.

When running rostopic hz /tag_detections_pose, I get: average rate: 6.522 min: 0.109s max: 0.335s std dev: 0.02411s window: 1025 This means that I am getting about 6.5Hz of output refresh rate. Is this within expected? What would you recommend as ideal setup?

shashankvkt8 commented 7 years ago

hello guys, Could someone please share the steps on how to get execute this project? I have tried so many ways by cloning this repo and trying to run an example but it's not happening. I would indeed be very thankful if someone could please help me on how to go about detection of april tags using this repo.