RIVeR-Lab / apriltags_ros

AprilTags for ROS
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support ros kinetic #36

Open wangzheqie opened 6 years ago

wangzheqie commented 6 years ago

How can this project support ros kinetic? THANKS!!

colineRamee commented 6 years ago

As explained in the readme you need to build from source by cloning the project in the source of your catkin workspace and then building the package. I am using Kinetic and it builds without issue. cd ~/catkin_ws/src git clone https://github.com/RIVeR-Lab/apriltags_ros.git catkin build apriltags_ros

kritikamehta15 commented 6 years ago

I am using Kinetic and followed the steps above. Instead of catkin build I used catkin_make and got the following error:

In file included from /home/kritika/catkin_ws/src/apriltags_ros/apriltags_ros/src/apriltag_detector.cpp:1:0: /home/kritika/catkin_ws/src/apriltags_ros/apriltags_ros/include/apriltags_ros/apriltag_detector.h:7:35: fatal error: AprilTags/TagDetector.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.

SonOfCoding commented 5 years ago

i installed this code by

cd catkin_ws/src git clone https://github.com/RIVeR-Lab/apriltags_ros.git cd .. catkin_make

however, once i try to run the example.launch (roslaunch usb_cam usb_cam-test.launch example.launch )

it shows ERROR: ERROR: cannot launch node of type [apriltags_ros/apriltag_detector_node]: apriltags_ros ROS path [0]=/opt/ros/kinetic/share/ros ROS path [1]=/opt/ros/kinetic/share

am i doing right? how to solve the problem?

guozhenglong commented 5 years ago

you can try follow these:

  1. you should run "source devel/setup.bash" after building these package.
  2. open a terminal, run "roslaunch usb_cam usb_cam-test.launch"
  3. open a new terminal , run "roslaunch apriltags_ros example.launch"
SonOfCoding commented 5 years ago

@guozhenglong thank you for helping, i tried. but this time there is no apriltag pose(RT) info returned and it says [ WARN] [1551167404.386698400]: Shutdown request received.
[ WARN] [1551167404.386733614]: Reason given for shutdown: [new node registered with same name]

how to solve this? by the way, do you have qq so we can discuss this problem?