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Danish Letter 19241200 #14

Closed RJP43 closed 5 years ago

RJP43 commented 5 years ago

Source Materials:

19241200 Folder

bcristiana commented 5 years ago

Persons: Far, key="thomsenTC", mentioned: 1; Einar, key="wegenerE", mentioned: 2; Lili, key="Lili", mentioned: 1; (hans egon) mor, key="mother", mentioned= 1. Places: Paris, key="Paris", mentioned: 1; Phistersvej, key="phistersSt", mentioned: 1.

bcristiana commented 5 years ago

Revised comment: Persons: Far, key="thomsenTC", mentioned: 1; Father, key= "thomsenTC", mentioned: 1; Einar, key="wegenerE", mentioned: 4; Lili, key="lili", mentioned: 2; (hans egon) mor, key="mother", mentioned= 1, (his own) mother, key= "mother", mentioned: 1. Places: Paris, key="paris", mentioned: 2; Phistersvej, key="phistersSt", mentioned: 1, Phisers Street, key="phistersSt", mentioned: 1.

bcristiana commented 5 years ago

One omission in the prosopography ID list is Phistersvej / Phisters Street, for which a key hasn't yet been created, though I noticed this place included within the MIWschema.rng, as phistersStreet.

The comment in the text body, at the end of the Danish text, asks if using the proper noun key for the common noun "far" / "Father" is appropriate, a question that I asked myself too. I noticed that, to the key "mor" / "mother", there is assigned, in the letter or diary entry, the more complex structure of common noun preceded by the determiners "hans" / "his", possessive adjective, and "egen" / "own", adjective that emphasises the idea of possession.

Note: I noticed two misspellings in my list of persons and places. To avoid adding another comment, I will specify them here: "hans egon" instead of the correct "hans egen", and "Phisers Street", instead of the correct "Phisters Street".

schola0208 commented 5 years ago

@bcristiana , is 19241200UnknownUnknown.xml the file you have already worked on and uploaded? I am a little confused about the assignment, forgive my obvious question. I just cant seem to find the original file

schola0208 commented 5 years ago

@bcristiana , after associating the schema there is one error in two places in the file. value of attribute "key" is invalid. . This is the element "key="phistersSt""

schola0208 commented 5 years ago

<persName ref="kj">Kristin Jacobsen</persName> 2 <persName ref="mb">Maiken Boysen</persName> 2 <author> Unknown, probably <persName key="wegenerS">Sigurd Wegener2 <persName ref="tnm">Tyler Monaghan</persName>2

bcristiana commented 5 years ago

The difficulties mounted by the language in its attempts to catch up with the changing reality cannot be properly surprised by a markup language whose organizing principle further amplifies this tension, through restrictive categorizations. Is it worth to sacrifice semantic ambiguity for the explicitness of a programming syntax? With the loss of the diachronic fluidity, there comes the peril of essentialism, and, in creating a digital archive for the narrative of Lili Elbe’s evolving sense of self, its authors warn against these dangers and plead for an end product that remains open to both readerly interpretation and structural evolution.

bcristiana commented 5 years ago

@schola0208 , these are my comments for today assignment, hopefully placed in the right location. I do not see yet yours. Let me know if there is a problem.

schola0208 commented 5 years ago

@bcristiana , go back to the issues board where you can see the whole list of issues, then find the "lets discuss storm clouds on the horizon issue"( its at the bottom,), then add your comment there. let me know if you find that

bcristiana commented 5 years ago

@schola0208 , thank you so much for your timely nudge toward the proper place. Done it!

schola0208 commented 5 years ago

@bcristiana you're very welcome 👍

RJP43 commented 5 years ago

Hi @bcristiana and @schola0208 ! 👋

Wonderful team communication and assistance on this issue. Huzzah! 💛 Also, well done completing most of the TEI XML Exercise! :tada: The only issue with your submission was that each of you were to "select two different elements used in the XML (in the .xml file) in order to reflect in 2-4 sentences how the project has further constrained the original TEI element." Neither of you did so.

For the next assignment, your team will need to reference the latest file added to the Danish Letter 19241200 Archival Materials Folder 📂 -- a screenshot of the TEI header information provided by the project manager, Emily Datskou. As a team, you will work together to create a <teiHeader> element for Danish Letter 19241200 using the information provided by Emily, the existing XML encoding, photograph(s) of the letter (a.k.a the facsimile images), and the translation/transcription documents.
(⬆️ all available in your text's folder linked above ⬆️)

Be sure to reference the TEI Header Exercise in order to let each other, @ProfPLC, and I know what tasks you each are comfortable with completing by Tuesday (2/26) 📆. Please remember the main goals in all of our assignments are team communication 💬 and collaboration 👐.

_Note: the TEI header template is available in Thursday's lesson on Capturing Metadata and as a download-able XML file containing the template <teiHeader>._ Happy coding! 💻 😃

schola0208 commented 5 years ago

@bcristiana this is the first step of the homework and it is what we need to do for today. https://github.com/RJP43/LiliElbe_EngagedLearners/blob/master/Exercises/TEIheader_exercise.md this is the link, look at the step by step. basically we will look at https://github.com/RJP43/LiliElbe_EngagedLearners/wiki/Capturing-Metadata#sample-teiheader for what elements are expected, then look at each of the documents on this link https://github.com/RJP43/LiliElbe_EngagedLearners/tree/master/ProjectDocs/archivalMaterials/Danish_archive/19241200 for the names and places that fit the elements. then on this issues board lets talk about how what is in our file fits the attributes and elements in the TEI header template for an example of what to do, look at the issue of 19310615, the last few comments are what the exercice entails. I'm also going to post my work in an hour or so.

bcristiana commented 5 years ago

@schola0208 , I am now in the GitHub, exploring the data.

schola0208 commented 5 years ago

`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-model href="http://www.tei-c.org/release/xml/tei/custom/schema/relaxng/tei_all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> <?xml-model href="http://www.tei-c.org/release/xml/tei/custom/schema/relaxng/tei_all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?>

Letter to <persName key=""><!-- Unkown --></persName> <!--Include title of original work here.--> <!--Include translated title of original work here!--> Photographed August 16-17, 2017 by Pamela Caughie Images prepared from August to December, 2018 by Matthew Gallagher Transcription completed from to , by Translation completed from to , by Translation reviewed in , by Encoding completed from to , by Encoding assistance and/or XML proofing completed by Rebecca J. Parker ` @bcristiana , this is where I stopped, in the format, just pick up from here when finding elements and attributes
schola0208 commented 5 years ago

@RJP43 what do we do when the format of the element in the template doesn't match the data? I just copied and pasted the element in order to record two names, but then I got to a date element, where the template wanted a month and a year, and the data has an exact date, or has multiple months

bcristiana commented 5 years ago

@schola0208 , I think we need to decide on which elements each of us will be working. I saw your question and I think we can find an answer by looking to the existing examples. See you in class.

RJP43 commented 5 years ago

@schola0208 great question and @bcristiana is right! As mentioned in my first XML comment in the TEI Header template file, certain date formats may appear within <respStmt> elements but not match the exact information relative to your text because the template is meant to just show you the different ways dates could be encoded. Use whichever date format from the header template that best fits the information for your particular text.

RJP43 commented 5 years ago

@bcristiana and I are working together to complete her portion of the assignment. In response to the question, what is the name of the archive and the location? the bit of necessary information is in the first column of the spreadsheet image -- Ernst Harthern Archives, Arbetarrörelsens Arkiv och Bibliotek (Swedish Labour Movement’s Archives and Library), Huddinge, Sweden

bcristiana commented 5 years ago

@schola0208 , I have added the comments about particular features of the document. How are you doing?

bcristiana commented 5 years ago

The language usage is an additional element that is not used in this project template. <langUsage>, which describes the languages and/or idioms represented within a text, could be useful, given that, in the American edition and, I suppose, in the others as well, there are a few sentences in French.

bcristiana commented 5 years ago

@schola0208 , this is my other half of the teiheader. I am waiting for your element of choice, to see if there is any other comment that I could add.

`Encoding assistance and/or XML proofing completed by

Rebecca J. Parker
                <persName>Nicholas Wasmoen</persName>
                <persName><!-- Name of Encoder/Proofer --></persName>
                <resp>Assigned <date>Spring 2019</date> Engaged Learner(s)</resp>
                <persName>Scholastique Iradukunda</persName>
                <persName>Cristiana Bertola</persName>
                <persName><!-- Name of Learner --></persName>
                <resp>XML transformed into HTML on
                    <date><!-- exact transformation date yyyy-mm-dd --></date> by</resp>
                <persName ref="rjp">Rebecca J. Parker</persName>
                <resp>HTML proofing completed from <date><!-- month --> to <!--month-->,
                    <!-- year --></date> by</resp>
                <persName><!-- Name of Encoder/Proofer --></persName>
                <persName><!-- Name of Encoder/Proofer --></persName>
            <sponsor>Loyola University Chicago</sponsor>
            <sponsor>Loyola's Center for Textual Studies and Digital Humanities</sponsor>
            <sponsor>Danish Arts Foundation</sponsor>
            <authority>Lili Elbe Digital Archive</authority>
            <pubPlace>Chicago, IL, USA</pubPlace>
            <date>July 6th, 2019</date>
                <p>Reproduced by courtesy of the <orgName>Ernst Harthern Archives, Arbetarrörelsens Arkiv och Bibliotek (Swedish Labour Movement’s Archives and Library)</orgName> in
                    <placeName>Huddinge, Sweden</placeName>
                <licence>Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
                    4.0 International licence.</licence>
            <p><!--The handwritten piece of paper has been folded and bears visible, horizontal creases that frame the text, as well as a vertical one, in the middle. The document displays four pencil-drawn lines: two vertically, on the left, the outer one red and a blue one next to the text. Underneath it, there are other two red lines, horizontal. The body of the text is preceded only by a date, month and year, inscribed on the upper left corner, but without the mention of a place, customary for the letter format.--></p>
        <p>Some text here.</p>


RJP43 commented 5 years ago

@bcristiana fantastic work. One minor adjustment ... remove the comment tag around your sourceDesc text.

bcristiana commented 5 years ago

@RJP43 , thank you for your help and suggestions.

bcristiana commented 5 years ago

@RJP43 and @schola0208 , this is the same half of teiheader, but with the adjustment.

`Encoding assistance and/or XML proofing completed by

Rebecca J. Parker
                <persName>Nicholas Wasmoen</persName>
                <persName><!-- Name of Encoder/Proofer --></persName>
                <resp>Assigned <date>Spring 2019</date> Engaged Learner(s)</resp>
                <persName>Scholastique Iradukunda</persName>
                <persName>Cristiana Bertola</persName>
                <persName><!-- Name of Learner --></persName>
                <resp>XML transformed into HTML on
                    <date><!-- exact transformation date yyyy-mm-dd --></date> by</resp>
                <persName ref="rjp">Rebecca J. Parker</persName>
                <resp>HTML proofing completed from <date><!-- month --> to <!--month-->,
                    <!-- year --></date> by</resp>
                <persName><!-- Name of Encoder/Proofer --></persName>
                <persName><!-- Name of Encoder/Proofer --></persName>
            <sponsor>Loyola University Chicago</sponsor>
            <sponsor>Loyola's Center for Textual Studies and Digital Humanities</sponsor>
            <sponsor>Danish Arts Foundation</sponsor>
            <authority>Lili Elbe Digital Archive</authority>
            <pubPlace>Chicago, IL, USA</pubPlace>
            <date>July 6th, 2019</date>
                <p>Reproduced by courtesy of the <orgName>Ernst Harthern Archives, Arbetarrörelsens Arkiv och Bibliotek (Swedish Labour Movement’s Archives and Library)</orgName> in
                    <placeName>Huddinge, Sweden</placeName>
                <licence>Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
                    4.0 International licence.</licence>
            <p>The handwritten piece of paper has been folded and bears visible, horizontal creases that frame the text, as well as a vertical one, in the middle. The document displays four pencil-drawn lines: two vertically, on the left, the outer one red and a blue one next to the text. Underneath it, there are other two red lines, horizontal. The body of the text is preceded only by a date, month and year, inscribed on the upper left corner, but without the mention of a place, customary for the letter format.</p>
        <p>Some text here.</p>


schola0208 commented 5 years ago

@bcristiana good job! I'm just getting to the assignment, I have a few things to fix then I will upload it in a couple of hours.

bcristiana commented 5 years ago

@schola0208 , now that you're on it, I know that our project is on good hands. Don't forget to select an element unused in our TEI header project and explain why. In this way, I too will be able to add some thought, if any.

schola0208 commented 5 years ago

@bcristiana, can you email me your portion that you pasted above as an xml file? (attach it to email). somehow the copying and pasting is making it weird

schola0208 commented 5 years ago

or, @RJP43 , what do I do to make sure that when I paste @bcristiana work into my xml file, it doesnt paste as one single line? because that is what is happening right now

bcristiana commented 5 years ago

@schola0208 , will do it.

bcristiana commented 5 years ago

@schola0208 , what is your email address?

schola0208 commented 5 years ago

@bcristiana it is siradukunda@luc.edu

bcristiana commented 5 years ago

@schola0208 , ok.

bcristiana commented 5 years ago

@schola0208 , hopefully it will work now.

RJP43 commented 5 years ago

@schola0208 Loyola's email system does not allow for a XML file to be sent via email. You should be able to highlight and copy her text above and paste it directly into your XML file in oXygen. If you are having issues I am in the IC on the second floor at the reference desk until 1 or I can assist you right before class.

schola0208 commented 5 years ago

The elements I think the template could use is <handNotes> which is described as: contains one or more handNote elements documenting the different hands identified within the source texts. As a reader, I would like to know if this handwriting is the same as the handwriting in another anonymous letter in the text. I would also want to know how many times this handwriting had correspondence with so and so. I would also want to know if there is anything telling, or important to the narrative about the handwriting that I wouldn't catch on reading the transcribed text.

schola0208 commented 5 years ago

The language usage is an additional element that is not used in this project template. <langUsage>, which describes the languages and/or idioms represented within a text, could be useful, given that, in the American edition and, I suppose, in the others as well, there are a few sentences in French.

That is very interesting, and I can relate, because as a french speaker, there are phrases that added to my enjoyment of the text that non-English speakers would just not get. This element is also relevant because language evolves over time, thus even the English of the 1920s is not the same as the English of 2020. But now I'm wondering, where is the line between enabling readers (and scholars) to be lazy and providing the right amount of textual information?

schola0208 commented 5 years ago

@RJP43 , @bcristiana , I have uploaded the combined file, and made my observations about elements that could be added to the template.

bcristiana commented 5 years ago

@schola0208 , great! Thank you for your finishing touch!

RJP43 commented 5 years ago

@schola0208 @bcristiana Great work! You are nearly done. @bcristiana you will just need to reply to @schola0208's brilliant statement above about the <handNotes> element.

bcristiana commented 5 years ago

@RJP43 , it is to you and your final touch that I and @schola0208 owe our thanks! Thank you so much for your help!

bcristiana commented 5 years ago

@schola0208 , your observation, if taken into account, could add an extremely important nuance to this complex project. It would provide relevance to Lili's claim that her handwriting has changed radically once her femininity asserts itself over Andreas. It could also establish a genealogy among the handwritten documents whose author is unknown or cannot be attributed to one in uncertain terms, as is the case with our Danish letter. In any case, this element represents a very interesting possibility.