RJP43 / LiliElbe_EngagedLearners

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Danish Letter 19310616 #17

Closed RJP43 closed 5 years ago

RJP43 commented 5 years ago

Source Materials:

19310616 Folder

dpedz commented 5 years ago

@ElleBromer Hey! So I just figured out the schema and what errors we need to correct. There's 2 total that showed up so I'll cover the 1st one and you'll cover the 2nd one (towards the bottom of document)?

RJP43 commented 5 years ago

@dpedz @ElleBromer You do not need to correct the errors you see firing. You simply need to give an explanation of what the errors are and any reasoning why you think the errors are occurring. @dpedz 🎉 well done so far!

ElleBromer commented 5 years ago

Alright! I’ll still cover number 2 if you cover number one!

dpedz commented 5 years ago

@ElleBromer sounds good! @RJP43 Thank you for the clarification! I also had a question about the instructions. It says "Be sure to list on your team's issue the key IDs of each mentioned person and place and a count of the times each person and place are mentioned. If a person/place doesn't have a key ID in our spreadsheet or in the XML please indicate this in your list of people and places.". I was wondering if we count how many times that person(s) is mentioned in the line that has an error message or the whole document? Also, if the person doesn't have a key ID, do we need to create one and put that in our issues report?

RJP43 commented 5 years ago

@dpedz Thanks for posting your question here on the issues board. Well done! 🎉 Also, I am glad that clarification with regards to the schema helped.

For step 4 of the assignment I went in and changed the language of the exercise to clarify instructions for the problem spots you pointed out. Thank you for your helpful feedback. The assignment now reads:

Next, one or more team members will need to identify and construct a list of the unique places and people mentioned in your team's XML. This list should be built on your team's issue on our class's issues board. Refer to our spreadsheet of propography IDs to verify each person and place has been given the correct key attribute value. Be sure to list on your team's issue the key IDs of each mentioned person and place. Also provide a count of the times each person and place are mentioned across the entire text. If a person/place doesn't have a key ID in our spreadsheet or in the XML please indicate this in your list of people and places by stating "no ID". You are not required to make up any IDs for people or places missing IDs. Once we have a list of all the people and places that do not have IDs across all of the files Dr. Caughie will create the IDs. You should clarify amongst your team members on your team's issue who will be responsible for writing the list of people/places and their key IDs if you choose not to build the list together. Please take advantage of your abilities to create a markdown list on your team's issue for this step of the assignment. This is an example of the information expected for any one person or place mentioned in your text: Lili Elbe, key="lili", mentioned: 3

I hope this helps, but if you need further clarification please comment below and tag me as you did above. Thanks! 😸

ElleBromer commented 5 years ago

The major problem that I saw when looking at my portion of the XML is that neither Johannes or Ulla Poulsen have matching IDs which means that they cannot be properly addressed in the document. Could you possibly handle the re-uploading of the XML if I handle the list?

ElleBromer commented 5 years ago

Maria Garland: 1 key=garlandM Lili Elvenes: 2 key=lili Kristin Jacobson: 1 key=kj Maiken Boysen: 1 key=mb Tyler Monaghan: 1 key=tnm Prof. Warnekros: 1 key=warnekros Paris: 2 key=paris Johannes: 1 no key Ulla Poulsen: 1 no key

ElleBromer commented 5 years ago

The elements that I found as important were the <note type= > and the <p style= > which both have similar significance. With the note type it allows notes to further be divided up and addressed by people in their relative fields. If it is a note about XML than an XML specialist can come correct something, while a translation note can be looked over by someone who is good at translation. The style adds further clarification as to the significance of whatever word is being used and helps show whoever is looking at the XML what it would have looked like in the actual letter.

dpedz commented 5 years ago

Two elements that I found were important are the <div type= > and <!-- ID:yyyy-mm-dd: Encoder comment here.-->.

The <div type=> divides the document into smaller sections within a larger structural division and allows the computer to recognize different sections in a body of text instead of one large body of text.

The encoder comment: <!-- ID:yyyy-mm-dd: Encoder comment here.-->, allows encoders to comment on sections of the document of any additions, changes, etc to the document. Dates are also included to show when the comment was made.

dpedz commented 5 years ago

@ElleBromer done!

RJP43 commented 5 years ago

@ElleBromer and @dpedz well done communicating so productively on your issue! 💛 Also, well done completing the TEI XML Exercise! :tada:

For the next assignment, your team will need to reference the latest file added to the Danish Letter 19310616 Archival Materials Folder 📂 -- a screenshot of the TEI header information provided by the project manager, Emily Datskou. As a team, you will work together to create a <teiHeader> element for Danish Letter 19310616 using the information provided by Emily, the existing XML encoding, photograph(s) of the letter (a.k.a the facsimile images), and the translation/transcription documents.
(⬆️ all available in your text's folder linked above ⬆️)

Be sure to reference the TEI Header Exercise in order to let each other, @ProfPLC, and I know what tasks you each are comfortable with completing by Tuesday (2/26) 📆. Please remember the main goals in all of our assignments are team communication 💬 and collaboration 👐.

_Note: the TEI header template is available in Thursday's lesson on Capturing Metadata and as a download-able XML file containing the template <teiHeader>._ Happy coding! 💻 😃

ElleBromer commented 5 years ago

Myself and @dpedz have met in class, talked, and decided to split up the work with myself doing part 2 and her doing part 3. Once we are finished with those we are going to work on number 4

ElleBromer commented 5 years ago

Description of the pictures: It was written on paper that has been obviously folded. The letter was written in pencil. The letter is double sided, and on the front is a comment written in red in the top left corner with a gentle upward slant. The paper has three holes in it reminiscent of notebook paper.

dpedz commented 5 years ago

@ElleBromer The file is uploaded! Some parts aren't filled out since we don't have the info for it yet.

dpedz commented 5 years ago

An element that I noticed that wasn't in our TEI header was the <profileDesc> element. This focuses on the langauges and sub langauges used within the text that aren't related to the bibliographic aspects of the text.

This would add to our letter by identifying what language it was originally before it was translated into the English version.

ElleBromer commented 5 years ago

Another element that I noticed wasn’t in the Header is the <Factuality> element, which helps clarify if the given name is true to life. It could help distinguish the difference between various people mentioned in the text and their real names. It could also help differentiate clearly exaggerated things from reality

ElleBromer commented 5 years ago

That is very true, and it helps when searching for a comparison. If you know that what you are looking at is a translation of Danish rather than German you may be able to pick up various cultural clues or references that may not have been previously available for understanding.

RJP43 commented 5 years ago

@dpedz the final task of your assignment to get full credit will be responding to @ElleBromer's statement above regarding the <factuality> element.

dpedz commented 5 years ago

Another element that I noticed wasn’t in the Header is the <Factuality> element, which helps clarify if the given name is true to life. It could help distinguish the difference between various people mentioned in the text and their real names. It could also help differentiate clearly exaggerated things from reality

@ElleBromer This is absolutely important, especially regarding our working text. In MIW, we have a few pseudo names that don't correspond to their real life counter part. This can help clear up some confusion to readers by telling that that these 2 people are the same person and which characters are truly fictional.