RJP43 / LiliElbe_EngagedLearners

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Danish Letter 19310724 #18

Closed RJP43 closed 5 years ago

RJP43 commented 5 years ago

Source Materials:

19310724 Folder

kklimek1 commented 5 years ago

After I added the schema to the XML file and validated it. (and then reuploaded the file into the "Source Materials". There were two validation errors involving the element for two people mentioned in the text, both elements were "persName" elements.

<persName key="?">Hr. Oberartz</persName>

<persName key="?">The chief physician</persName> While the element itself was fine, the issue seemed to be with the attribute ' key="?" '. I believe this is due to the question mark not being a valid character to to have as an attribute within the framework that the schema provided. To fix this, we should replace the question mark with a fitting descriptor of who the people are, or how they're relevant to the text, as identified in the schema.

kklimek1 commented 5 years ago

So I found 2 places in the XML file, and I found that the last two people in your comment had Keys in the spreadsheet.

Hr. Oberatz, key = "gebhard", mentioned: 1 The Chief Physician, key = "gebhard", mentioned: 1 Dresden, key="dresden", mentioned: 2 Haven, key="womensClinicGarden", mentioned: 2

joaquindavalosponce commented 5 years ago

Key: garlandM - Name: Maria Garland - No ID - Appears: 3 times Key: Lili - Name: Lili Ilse Elvenes - ID lili - Appears: 3 times Key: (ref) kj - Name: Kristin Jacobsen NO ID - Appears: 1 time Key: (ref) mb - Name: Maiken Boysen NO ID - Appears: 1 time Key: (ref) tnm - Name: Tyler Monaghan NO ID - Appears: 1 time Key: NO KEY (?) - Name: Hr. Oberartz - NO ID - Appears: 1 time Key: NO KEY (?) - Name: The chief physician - NO ID - Appears: 1 time

joaquindavalosponce commented 5 years ago

Problem 5

There is a difference between persName Key and persName Ref. persName Key is used when we are referring to a character inside the book, for example Lili (although Lili is a real character in real life, we are working now as if she is just a character of the book). persName ref is used when are referring to a real person who is in the team (an editor, a translator, etc).

"p" is used to make further divisions of text. It helps specify information about the text within the paragraph.

kklimek1 commented 5 years ago

Task 5:

"Div" marks various divisions in the text. "Div" has been constrained by adding specific key attribute and attribute values, like "type = opener". It specifies whether the type of "div" is a header, salutation, body, etc. The "div" element separates the documents from each other, as well as the separate paragraphs. This project uses the key attribute-value pair to link the separate paragraphs across the translations.

The element "hi" is used to encode specific stylings in the text that cannot be shown in the XML document. "hi" has been constrained by the attribute "rend" with various attribute values such as bold, italics, etc. (I could only find "underline" in my document.) Its signaling to the computer that the text within the element was underlined in the original document.

RJP43 commented 5 years ago

@joaquindavalosponce and @kklimek1 well done completing the TEI XML Exercise! :tada:

For the next assignment, your team will need to reference the latest file added to the Danish Letter 19310724 Archival Materials Folder 📂 -- a screenshot of the TEI header information provided by the project manager, Emily Datskou. As a team, you will work together to create a <teiHeader> element for Danish Letter 19310724 using the information provided by Emily, the existing XML encoding, photograph(s) of the letter (a.k.a the facsimile images), and the translation/transcription documents.
(⬆️ all available in your text's folder linked above ⬆️)

Be sure to reference the TEI Header Exercise in order to let each other, @ProfPLC, and I know what tasks you each are comfortable with completing by Tuesday (2/26) 📆. Please remember the main goals in all of our assignments are team communication 💬 and collaboration 👐.

_Note: the TEI header template is available in Thursday's lesson on Capturing Metadata and as a download-able XML file containing the template <teiHeader>._ Happy coding! 💻 😃

kklimek1 commented 5 years ago


So I looked over the assignment, and I think I feel pretty comfortable doing either step 2 or 3, (since 1 and 4 are meant to be done jointly, so if you have a preference for which steps you'd like to focus on, let me know!

I'm not entirely sure how to do step 1 though and how we would divide the work evenly.

RJP43 commented 5 years ago

@kklimek1 one way to divide the work of task 1 evenly would be to divide the children elements of the <teiHeader> up. One possible workflow: one of you takes all of the <respStmt> elements while the other takes the <sourceDesc> and any other elements that need information replaced. Hope this helps. 😺

kklimek1 commented 5 years ago

In class today, @joaquindavalosponce and I divided the in half, and added in the missing information. I did the first half, uploaded the document, and Joaquin will download that, do the last half, and reupload it. We'll be doing step 4 after class! :sparkles:

RJP43 commented 5 years ago

@joaquindavalosponce in response to your email:

codesample_learnersubmitted Your questions were regarding information for the following:

First, for the <respStmt> regarding the HTML transformation date and person responsible, as mentioned in class before getting into groups, that section of the template is meant to be copied directly and not changed because all of the texts the class are working on have not yet been transformed into HTML. So please just copy and paste that <respStmt> exactly from the template and leave the XML comments to be filled out at a later date when the file does get transformed. As for the name of the archive, you correctly grabbed the information its just slightly misplaced in your encoding. The name of the archive and what belongs inside of the <orgName> element is "Ernst Harthern Archives, Arbetarrörelsens Arkiv och Bibliotek (Swedish Labour Movement’s Archives and Library)" and the location of the archive, "Huddinge, Sweden," should be in the <placeName> element.

Hope that helps. 😃

joaquindavalosponce commented 5 years ago

A TEI header I did not find in our assignment was <profileDesc> . I feel that this TEI header is important because the documents we are working with are translations from Lily's original letters, which were written in Danish. For us that already know this, it is pretty obvious and we don't need a reminder, but it would be very helpful for people who look at this document for the first time

RJP43 commented 5 years ago

@kklimek1 you will want to be sure to respond to @joaquindavalosponce statement above regarding the <profileDesc> element before class in order to get full credit. You will also need to post a statement about a different unused tei header element so that @joaquindavalosponce can respond and get full credit.

kklimek1 commented 5 years ago

@joaquindavalosponce I think that'd really be helpful, as like you said, it would clarify a lot to people who are reading the XML without any prior information about Lili and her letters.

Similarly, I thought that including <langUsage> into the TEI header would be useful. Because<profileDesc> can include other information besides the language, such as the situation, participants and settings, I think <langUsage> can be used to specifically indicate that the letter was originally in Danish, and the second letter is a translation of the first.