RJRP44 / VL53L5CX-Library

💽 A vl53l5cx library for esp32 using the esp-idf framework
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
13 stars 5 forks source link

Issue of I2C library #7

Open KK13221 opened 1 month ago

KK13221 commented 1 month ago

Hello @RJRP44,

I have encountered an error when compiling the code and I have tried multiple solutions and searched on Google for hours but I am still unable to solve it. Could you please help me with this issue? I am getting this error message on the serial monitor.

Error Message "i2c: This driver is an old driver, please migrate your application code to adapt `driver/i2c_master.h"

RJRP44 commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @KK13221 This library was developed before the release of the brand new I²C driver. Normally for now this is not a ground breaking feature, it should still work fine. I am looking into the adaptation of this library for this new update. Have a great day

illusionfield commented 2 weeks ago


We're gradually approaching the need to implement the new i2c driver. I noticed this isn't a minor modification, and it will require an assessment of how far back it can maintain compatibility, including what the minimum version of esp-idf will be affected.

For instance, the new approach necessitates including an i2c_master_bus_config_t structure as part of the VL53L5CX_Platform structure.

Additionally, our current project involves connecting multiple slave sensors to the ESP master i2c bus, which complicates things further. 😅

We'll start working on replacing the i2c driver soon and I’ll update here once we make some progress. I’d appreciate it if anyone could share their experiences or insights on this matter.

RJRP44 commented 2 weeks ago

I worked on it today and got it to work with the new I²C driver, but there's still some testing to be done. The update should be available soon.