RJRP44 / VL53L5CX-Library

💽 A vl53l5cx library for esp32 using the esp-idf framework
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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esp-idf esp32 esp32-library tof-sensor vl53v5cx

VL53L5CX library for ESP32

Component Registry Uld Version

A vl53l5cx library for esp32 using the esp-idf framework. This library is based on ST's Ultra Lite Driver (ULD) for VL53L5CX v1.3.11 . This library is just an adaptation of the ST's library for esp-32.

Warning This Library is not compatible with Arduino framework

Contents 📌

Getting started

Wiring for the VL53L5CX-SATEL 🔌

For the examples this is the used wiring, but feel free to modify it and adapt it for your needs.

VL53L5CX-SATEL Pins ESP32S3 Pins
SDA GPIO1, 2.2 kΩ pullup resistor required to 3v3
SCL GPIO2, 2.2 kΩ pullup resistor required to 3v3
LPn 3V3

Library Installation 📥

The library is available at https://components.espressif.com/components/rjrp44/vl53l5cx.

So, you can use the IDF Component Manager to easily import this library into your project. To add this component to your project, run:

idf.py add-dependency "rjrp44/vl53l5cx^2.0.4" 

Examples 📄

You can find in 📁 ./examples ST's examples adapted for ESP32 with I²C. For more information about the available features read UM2884.

Usual errors 🐛

Stack overflow error 💽

If by running an example you get a stack overflow error, this means that your main stack size is too small.

***ERROR*** A stack overflow in task main has been detected.

Increase the main stack size :

Run idf.py menuconfig. Go to Component Component config -> ESP System settings and increase the Main task stack size to at least 7168.

More parameters ⚙

In order to get more control over your sensor configuration, run idf.py menuconfig and go to Component Config -> Vl53l5cx.

📝 License

Copyright © 2024 RJRP.

This project is BSD 3-Clause licensed.

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