RLoris / FileHelperDoc

UE Plugin to handle files operations
MIT License
29 stars 6 forks source link
unreal-engine unreal-engine-plugin






  1. Get the plugin on the marketplace and install the plugin for the engine version you wish to use
  2. Create or open an unreal engine project with a supported version
  3. In the editor, go to Edit/Plugins, search for the plugin, check the box to enable it and restart the editor
  4. When a new plugin version is available, go to your Epic Games Launcher, under Unreal Engine/Library, below the engine version, you will find your installed plugins, find the plugin and click on update, then wait for it to finish and restart your editor



If you encounter issues with this plugin, you should report it, to do so, in the editor, go to Edit/Plugins, search for this plugin, click on the plugin support button, this will open your browser and navigate to the plugin issue form where you need to fill in all the relevant details about your issue, this will help me investigate and reproduce it on my own in order to fix it. Be precise and give as many details as you can. Once solved, a new plugin version will be submitted to the marketplace, update the plugin and you are good to go. Due to epic marketplace limitations, I can only patch/update this plugin for the last 3 engine version, older engine versions will not be supported anymore.

Feature requests

If you want a new feature relevant to this plugin use case, you can submit a request in the plugin marketplace question page. I may add this new feature in a future plugin version.


Screenshots may differ from the latest plugin version, some features may have evolved or have been removed if deprecated.



Get the relevant folder path for the engine and project

FProjectPath is a struct used to read all the project absolute related paths like Directory, Config, Content, Intermediate, Log, Mods, Plugins, Saved, User, PersistentDownload, PlatformExtensions

FEnginePath is a struct used to read all the engine absolute related paths like Directory, Config, Content, Intermediate, Plugins, Saved, User, DefaultLayout, PlatformExtensions, UserLayout

Node Inputs Outputs Note
GetEngineDirectories void Struct(FEnginePath) Returns all the engine absolute related paths
GetProjectDirectories void Struct(FProjectPath) Returns all the project absolute related paths

File IO


Be carefull using these nodes, you are accessing the file system of the user's computer, ensure your code is working as intended before shipping

Make sure you have asked the user permission to access their file system, on some OS read/write restrictions might occur

Node Inputs Outputs Note
ReadTextFile Path(String) Success(Bool), Output(String) Reads the whole content of a text file if it exists
WriteTextFile Path(String), Text(String), Append(Bool), Force(Bool) Success(Bool), Error(String) Writes text content into a file, creates the file when not found or appends to it if it exists, you can force to overwrite it
ReadLineFile Path(String), Pattern(String) Success(Bool), Lines(Array(String)) Reads lines of a file if it exists, if you specify a regex pattern, reads only the lines that matches this pattern
ReadLineRangeFile Path(String), StartIndex(Int), EndIndex(Int) Success(Bool), Lines(Array(String)) Reads lines of a file if it exists, if you specify a range, reads only the lines between the range
WriteLineFile Path(String), Text(Array(String)), Append(Bool), Force(Bool) Success(Bool), Error(String) Writes lines into a file, creates the file when not found or appends to it if it exists, you can force to overwrite it
ReadByteFile Path(String) Success(Bool), Bytes(Array(Byte)) Reads binary content of a file if it exists
WriteByteFile Path(String), Bytes(Array(Byte)), Append(Bool), Force(Bool) Success(Bool), Error(String) Writes binary content to a file, creates the file when not found or appends to it if it exists, you can force to overwrite it
WriteCSVFile Path(String), Headers(Array(String)), Data(Array(String)), Force(Bool) Success(Bool), Total(Int) Writes csv header and body to a text file, delimiter will be ',', creates the file when not found, you can force to overwrite it
ReadCSVFile Path(String), HeaderFirst(Bool) Success(Bool), Headers(Array(String)), Data(Array(String)), Total(Int) Reads csv header and body from a text file if it exists, delimiter must be ','

File System


Be carefull using these nodes, you are accessing the file system of the user's computer, ensure your code is working as intended before shipping

Make sure you have asked the user permission to access their file system, on some OS read/write restrictions might occur

FCustomNodeStat is a struct used to read file system node informations like IsDirectory, IsReadOnly, CreationTime, ModificationTime, LastAccessTime, FileSize

Node Inputs Outputs Note
IsFile Path(String) Success(Bool) Checks whether a path points to a valid file
IsDirectory Path(String) Success(Bool) Checks whether a path points to a valid directory
IsValidFilename Filename(String) Success(Bool) Checks whether a filename is valid and can be used on this file system, does not hit the disk
IsValidPath Path(String) Success(Bool) Checks whether a path is valid and can be used on this file system, does not hit the disk
ValidateFilename Filename(String) Result(Bool), ValidName(String) Sanitizes a filename to be used on the file system, does not hit the disk
SetReadOnlyFlag Path(String), Flag(Bool) Result(Bool) Sets the read only property on a file, if the file system supports it
GetReadOnlyFlag Path(String) Result(Bool) Gets the read only property on a file, if the file system supports it
GetFileSize Path(String) Size(Int64) Gets the size in bytes of a file on the file system
ListDirectory Path(String), Pattern(String), ShowFile(Bool), ShowDirectory(Bool), Recursive(Bool) Result(Bool), Nodes(Array(String)) Lists all nodes on that path, file or directory, if pattern (regex) is not empty, returns only the one that matches it, can search recursively
MakeDirectory Path(String), Recursive(Bool) Result(Bool) Creates new directory, can work recursively to create a directory tree
RemoveDirectory Path(String), Recursive(Bool) Result(Bool) Removes a directory, if it is not empty then check the recursive option
CopyDirectory Source(String), Dest(String) Result(Bool) Copies the content of a directory to a new destination, overwrites existing content
MoveDirectory Source(String), Dest(String) Result(Bool) Moves the content of a directory to a new destination, overwrites existing content
NodeStats Path(String) Result(Bool), Stats(FCustomNodeStat) Returns information about an existing node
RemoveFile Path(String) Result(Bool) Removes a file from the file system if it exists
CopyFile Source(String), Dest(String), Force(Bool) Result(Bool) Copies a file to a new destination
MoveFile Source(String), Dest(String), Force(Bool) Result(Bool) Moves a file to a new destination
RenameFile Path(String), NewName(String) Result(Bool) Renames an existing file
PathParts Path(String) PathPart(String), BasePart(String), ExtensionPart(String), Filename(String) Returns the different parts of path, does not hit the disk



These nodes allows you to encode/decode content to send it on the network (image,text,file)

Node Inputs Outputs Note
BytesToBase64 Bytes(Array(Byte)) Result(String) Encodes binary data into a base64 string
BytesFromBase64 Source(String) Success(Bool), Out(Array(Byte)) Decodes a base64 string into binary data



Node Inputs Outputs Note
StringToCSV Content(String), HeaderFirst(Bool) Success(Bool), Headers(Array(String)), Data(Array(String)), Total(Int) Extracts header, body from csv string, delimiter must be ','
CSVToString Headers(Array(String)), Data(Array(String)) Success(Bool), Result(String), Total(Int) Creates a csv string with header and body data, delimiter will be ','



You need to know the correct row struct in order to reimport the datatable content correctly

Do not use fields with withespaces or special characters in your structures, they will get exported but you won't be able to import them back

Node Inputs Outputs Note
DataTableToCSV Table(DataTable) Result(Bool), Output(String) Exports a datatable to a csv string
CSVToDataTable CSV(String), Struct(ScriptStruct) Success(Bool), Table(DataTable) Imports a csv string into a datatable using the specified row struct as model
DataTableToJSON Table(DataTable) Result(Bool), Output(String) Exports a datatable to json string
JSONToDataTable JSON(String), Struct(ScriptStruct) Success(Bool), Table(DataTable) Imports a json string into a datatable using the specified row struct as model



These nodes helps to read/write configuration files (*.ini), you can pass the following variables to these function (Bool, Int, Double, Float, String, Array(String), Rotator, Vector, LinearColor, Vector4, Vector2D), everything else will fail, keep in mind that a restart of the engine/game is needed for these changes to take effect

Node Inputs Outputs Note
ReadConfig Filepath(String), Section(String), Key(String), SingleLineArrayRead(Bool), OutValue(AnyStruct), LoadFromDisk(Bool) Success(Bool) Reads a config file and extracts the section->key value into OutValue (can be any type mentionned earlier), check SingleLineArrayRead if you know the value is an array on a single line in the file else uncheck it, check LoadFromDisk if you want to read file content otherwise cache content will be accessed
WriteConfig Filepath(String), Section(String), Key(String), SingleLineArrayWrite(Bool), Value(AnyStruct), WriteToDisk(Bool) Result(Bool) Writes a config file value at the section->key, check SingleLineArrayWrite to write an array on a single line instead of multiple lines, check WriteToDisk to creates the file else cache will be updated
RemoveCongig Filepath(String), Section(String), Key(String), WriteToDisk(Bool) Result(Bool) Removes the value associated with section->key, check WriteToDisk to update file else cache will be updated



You can take a screenshot with or without any user interface, with or without HDR, with or without a custom camera POV, check the tooltip for more details

FFileHelperScreenshotActionOptions is a struct used to provide options for the screenshot like Filename(String), PrefixTimestamp(Bool), ShowUI(Bool), WithHDR(Bool), CustomCameraActor(CameraActor)

Node Inputs Outputs Note
TakeScreenshot Filename(String), Options(FFileHelperScreenshotActionOptions) OnCompleted(Texture, String), OnFailed() Async node to take a screenshot with various options, returns a texture with the actual screenshot and path on completion
LoadScreenshot FilePath(String) Result(Texture) Loads a texture from a file if it exists, check if the output is valid before usage