RMI-PACTA / workflow.prepare.pacta.indices

This repository is used to run indices through PACTA, and prepare them for transition monitor.
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Welcome to workflow.prepare.pacta.indices! This tool is designed to streamline the preparation of indices for use in either workflow.transition.monitor.

Running prepare PACTA indices workflow

Required input

The index preparation Dockerfile uses the ghcr.io/rmi-pacta/workflow.transition.monitor docker image as a base image. Although the image is public, pulling public images from GHCR requires authentication.

You can authenticate to GHCR with any valid GitHub Personal Access token

echo $GITHUB_PAT | docker login ghcr.io -u <USERNAME> --password-stdin

Running in docker-compose

  1. Optional, but recommended. Make a .env file. This file will preserve the environment variables that control behavior on the host machine, as well as specifying the configuration to use. This file can be replaced or overridden by specifying environment variables on the host machine, or as part of invoking docker. For more information on specifying environment variables to docker-compose, please refer to the documentation. An example of a .env file is:


    Where R_CONFIG_ACTIVE is a top-level key from config.yml. The PACTA_DATA_PATH variable should point to an appropriate directory with read access on the host system that contains a version of the PACTA analysis inputs for the desired quarter. The INDICES_PREPARATION_INPUTS_PATH variable should point to an appropriate directory with read access on the host system where the outputs of workflow.benchmark.preparation are stored. Defaults to ./inputs. See the workflow.benchmark.preparation repository for more information. The INDICES_PREPARATION_OUTPUTS_PATH variable should point to an appropriate directory with write access on the host system where the outputs of the index preparation will be written. Defaults to ./outputs. LOG_LEVEL sets the verbosity of logging messages (using standard log4j log levels)

  2. Run docker-compose

    Once these variables have been set, simply run

    docker-compose up --build

    which will run the script with the defined configuration, and populate files into the paths specified.