RMI-PACTA / workflow.scenario.preparation

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Lifecycle: stable docker

Welcome to workflow.scenario.preparation! This tool is designed to streamline the preparation of input scenario datasets for use in either workflow.data.preparation or the r2dii R packages.

Required Input Files

Ensure the following files exist in your input directory (default ./inputs):

GECO 2022

For GECO 2022, prepare the following files (TODO: Enhance this section):


Use the R_CONFIG_ACTIVE environment variable to specify the active configuration in config.yml. This configuration file determines the active quarter, expected scenarios, and the location of raw scenario files.

Running with Docker (Preferred Method for PROD)

Create a .env File

This file is only necessary for running with Docker

Create a .env file in the root directory with the following structure:


You can use the example.env file as a template.

This file specifies the input/output directories and the active configuration (see config.yml for details).

Running the Docker Container

Execute docker-compose up from the root directory to build the Docker image (if necessary) and run the scenario preparation process.

To force a rebuild of the Docker image, use docker-compose build --no-cache.

Running with RStudio (Primarily for Easier Debugging and DEV)

Running in RStudio supports input/output data in the .inputs/ and ./outputs/ directories, respectively (relative to the root directory).



Then, source main.R:


Alternatively, you can step through the script line-by-line for debugging.

Alternatively, you can read in the .env file (specified above for the Docker process) and run the process with:

readRenviron(".env"); source("main.R")

⚠️ When opening a built-in Terminal pane in RStudio, RStudio copies in any environment variables that were available when RStudio starts. That can have the effect of overwriting/ignoring the environment variables in the .env file if you try to build/run the Docker container from there.

Running on Azure Container Instances

A parameter file with the values that the RMI-PACTA team uses for extracting data is available at azure-deploy.rmi-pacta.parameters.json.

# run from repo root

# change this value as needed.

# Users with access to the RMI-PACTA Azure subscription can run:
az deployment group create --resource-group "$RESOURCEGROUP" --template-file azure-deploy.json --parameters azure-deploy.rmi-pacta.parameters.json

For security, the RMI-PACTA parameters file makes heavy use of extracting secrets from an Azure Key vault, but an example file that passes parameters "in the clear" is available as azure-deploy.example.parameters.json

Non RMI-PACTA users can define their own parameters and invoke the ARM Template with:

# Otherwise:
# Prompts for parameters without defaults
az deployment group create --resource-group "$RESOURCEGROUP" --template-file azure-deploy.json 

# if you have created your own parameters file:
az deployment group create --resource-group "$RESOURCEGROUP" --template-file azure-deploy.json --parameters @azure-deploy.parameters.json

Preparing GitHub Actions Runner

The GitHub Actions workflow to run this workflow starts an Azure Container Instance. To prepare the Azure landscape:

  1. Create a User Assigned Managed identity for the repo as described here
  2. Manually start a container group with azure-deploy.json as documented above
  3. Grant Contributor role on the new Container Group to the Managed Identity
  4. Grant Managed Application Contributor Role Role to the Managed Identity for the Resource Group in which the Container Group will run
  5. Ensure the Managed identity has deploy permissions to the key vault (if needed)
  6. Ensure the Managed Identity has the Managed Identity Operator Role for the managed idenity used by the container group (specified with the identity parameter in the deploy template).

See the Microsoft documentation for more information on setting up GH Actions.