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turtlebot3_with_open_manipulator_core missing for ROS2 #228

Open andreasBihlmaier opened 4 years ago

andreasBihlmaier commented 4 years ago

There seems to be no equivalent for the turtlebot3+openmanipulator ROS1 code (, at least I could not find it (e.g. in

Likely the following issue is related to this problem:

timodd commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm in the same situation as described in the related issue. I'd like to use ROS2 with waffle pi + om and I would very much appreciate a solution for this.

ROBOTIS-Will commented 4 years ago

Hi, the manipulation firmware example for TurteBot3 waffle in ROS 2 will be available after Foxy is released in this May. Thank you.

andreasBihlmaier commented 4 years ago

Thank you for confirming that this is not available at the moment and providing a timeline for when support will be added.

ROBOTIS-Will commented 4 years ago

@andreasBihlmaier We're currently revising manipulation packages. ROS 2 contents will be reviewed along with Foxy support, so I'd expect it within a couple month. Thank you.

chiuau commented 3 years ago

Hi, the manipulation firmware example for TurteBot3 waffle in ROS 2 will be available after Foxy is released in this May. Thank you.

Could you please tell me where I can download the firmware for the OpenCR's firmware for TurteBot3 waffle with open manipulator in ROS 2? Thanks.

ROBOTIS-Will commented 3 years ago

@chiuau Thank you for the inquiry and apologize for the delay in this issue. This firmware is scheduled to be developed with Home Service Challenge update in this 2Q. Foxy will be the first priority in ROS2.

joaoramosipl commented 2 years ago

Hello. Can you please help me with ROS2 Foxy? I can't still find any package for this version, to be able to use OpenManipulator with the TurtleBot3 Waffle. Thank you.

ROBOTIS-Will commented 2 years ago

Hi @joaoramosipl Thank you for your interest. I've been working on the latest OpenMANIPULATOR-X documentation, and TB3 Manipulation Noetic update will be followed by. There are some delays in ROS2 support and needs some time to resolve them, for example: I'm expecting ROS2 Foxy TB3 manipulation done in September with some important updates. Thank you.

eslamsalahelsheikh commented 2 years ago

Hello, is there any updates on this?

ROBOTIS-Will commented 2 years ago

Hi @eslamsalahelsheikh I'm sorry about the delay in TB3 Manipulation Foxy update. There are some imminent updates required and had to postpone the TB3 manipulation update to the first quarter of 2022. Sorry about the inconvenience, but we'll try to update as early as possible. Thanks!

Torsten12 commented 2 years ago

Hey @ROBOTIS-Will is there any possibility that you can give a status of the current state? We would like to use that hardware in a current project and are a little bit on a break because of this issue.

But thanks for your work! Really appreciate it.

chiuau commented 2 years ago

Hello. Would you mind telling us the release date of the OpenCR firmware that supports ROS2 for Turtlebot 3 with Open Manipulator?

If this is still not available soon, I will consider migrating to Turtlebot 4 with a robot arm that fits....

andreasBihlmaier commented 2 years ago

Same here ...

shiba-8ro commented 2 years ago

ROS1 Noetic support will be completed by ROBOTIS Japan team in June. But each person want to use ROS2 Foxy. Will Son, let's hurry up!

ROBOTIS-Will commented 2 years ago

I'm sorry about the delayed reply. Basic packages(SLAM, Navigation, Teleop, Simulation) for Humble will be updated from tomorrow. TB3 Manipulation for Foxy is scheduled by 7/14, but it might be released a bit earlier. At the moment, scheduled update is as below

Packages Foxy Humble
Autorace - -
Machine Learning - -
ㄴ Simulation 6/16 7/28(Ignition)
ㄴ SLAM 7/14 7/28
ㄴ Navigation 7/14 7/28
ㄴ H.S.C - -

Hopefully I can release TB3 Manipulation for Foxy by June and Humble in July. Sorry about the delay.

Vitus012 commented 2 years ago

How far are you? I want to use this hardware, specifically in foxy, for a student project.

ROBOTIS-Will commented 2 years ago

Hi @Vitus012

For now, Foxy simulation on Gazebo is almost done and going to apply ros2_control for controlling the manipulator. Later I might heavily reduce the details of the OpenMANIPULATOR-X and remove the dependency for the open_manipulator packages as there are many developers who didn't like the dependencies to other packages. Thanks!


andreasBihlmaier commented 2 years ago

@ROBOTIS-Will great to see the progress. I just updated my last machine to jammy and thus no more ROS1, only ROS2 (humble) from here on forward. Put differently, I'm now unable to use TB3 and OpenManipulator-X unless ROS2 support is in place. Likely others are in a similar situation with the release of jammy and humble respectively.

david-peitz commented 1 year ago

@ROBOTIS-Will Is it possible to get an update on the release of the TB3 Manipulation for Foxy?

ROBOTIS-Will commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm sorry about the delayed updates. The current status for TB3 Manipulation update is in progress in following tasks and will be completed by September 30th.

RubenCarreira99 commented 1 year ago

Hi, any updates on this matter?

david-peitz commented 1 year ago

@ROBOTIS-Will We all wait with bated breath....

tielef commented 1 year ago

Hello, any updates on this issue? I want to use the TurtleBot3 with OpenManipulator in Foxy for a university project.