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Turtlebot3 friends's BOM is wrong #1154

Closed DaisukeUra closed 3 years ago

DaisukeUra commented 4 years ago


I want to build Turtlebot3 Mecanum( So, I checked BOM and bought mecanum wheels rb-nex-13 and printed joint parts. (BOM:

But they can't connect because of hole placement is wrong. I think the link address of wheels in BOM is wrong.


ROBOTIS-David commented 3 years ago


Thank you for reporting the issue.

Sorry about the inconvenience that may have caused and we are checking the BOM now,

If you do not mind, could you specify the name of item from the item list below?

Single Item Quantity Purchase Links
PHS M3x8mm 32
WB_M2.5x8mm 12
WB_M2.5x12mm 16
WB_M3x40mm 12
NUT_M3 16
SB-S3-45 20
Mecanum wheel 4
3D printing parts(Wheel joint) 4

Thank you.

DaisukeUra commented 3 years ago

@ROBOTIS-David Thank you for your response.

I think Mecanum wheel's link in that list is wrong. The link shows that the mecanum wheels the diameter is 100mm. However, the 3D printing parts(Wheel joint) link shows that the wheels are 60mm mecanum wheels. (Unfortunately, I don't know the model number of the wheel used in this CAD model.)

Thank you.

P.S. I designed a new wheel joint for 100mm wheels, and mecanum turtle now moves. Anyway, the Turtlebot 3, especially the modular plates and Dynamixel Servo Motor, are great! thank you.

ROBOTIS-David commented 3 years ago

@DaisukeUra I see,

Thank you for your giving attention to the TurtleBot friends.

I believe this information helps for every ROBOTIS users.

Have a great day :)


Ashe, Could you please see the 3D printing parts(Wheel joint) and check out the diameter of the part. One of ROBOTIS user has reported that wheels of the parts has wrong measured size 60 mm which does not fit in the Mecanum wheel, 100 mm. See the B.O.M sheet. . Thank you,

ROBOTIS-Ashe commented 3 years ago


David, I think we can modify the BOM with the link below.

Thank you.

ROBOTIS-David commented 3 years ago


Hi, the issue is resolved,

I would like to close this issue if you have no additional inquiry !

Thank you :)