ROCm / hip-python

HIP Python Low-level Bindings
MIT License
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ai cuda cython gpu hip hpc interoperability ml python radeon-instinct-mi-series

HIP Python Source Repository

This repository provides low-level Python and Cython Bindings for HIP and an interoperability layer for CUDA® Python programs (Python and Cython).


NOTE: You may find that packages for one ROCm™ release might be compatible with the ROCm™ HIP SDK of another release as the HIP Python functions load HIP C functions in a lazy manner.

Build requirements

Install Prebuilt Package(s)

NOTE: Prebuilt packages for some ROCm releases are published to Test PyPI first. Check the simple lists to see if your operating system and Python version is supported: hip-python, hip-python-as-cuda.

WARNING: Currently, we have not uploaded any HIP Python packages to PyPI yet. So far we have only uploaded packages to TestPyPI, mainly intended for internal testing purposes. If you find similar named packages on PyPI they may been provided by others, possibly with malicious intent.

Via TestPyPI

First identify the first three digits of the version number of your ROCm™ installation. Then install the HIP Python package(s) as follows:

python3 -m pip install -i hip-python~=$rocm_version
# if you want to install the CUDA Python interoperability package too, run:
python3 -m pip install -i hip-python-as-cuda~=$rocm_version

Via Wheel in Local Filesystem

If you have HIP Python package wheels n your filesystem, you can run:

python3 -m pip install <path/to/hip_python>.whl
# if you want to install the CUDA Python interoperability package too, run:
python3 -m pip install <path/to/hip_python_as_cuda>.whl

NOTE: See the HIP Python user guide for more details:

Build From Source

NOTE: The main branch is used for tracking updates to the docs, examples and CI scripts. The source code can be found on the release branches relaese/rocm-rel-X.Y[.Z].

  1. Install ROCM
  2. Install pip, virtual environment and development headers for Python 3:
    # Ubuntu:
    sudo apt install python3-pip python3-venv python3-dev
  3. Check out the feature branch release/rocm-rel-X.Y[.Z] for your particular ROCm™ installation:
  4. Initialize the branch:
  5. Finally run:
    ./ --hip --cuda --post-clean

The build process will produce Python binary wheels in the subdirectories hip-python/dist/ and hip-python-as-cuda/dist, which can be installed as discussed in the previous section.

NOTE: See the HIP Python developer guide for more details:

Build Options

Usage: ./ [OPTIONS]

  --rocm-path          Path to a ROCm installation, defaults to variable 'ROCM_PATH' if set or '/opt/rocm'.
  --libs               HIP Python libraries to build as comma separated list without whitespaces, defaults to variable 'HIP_PYTHON_LIBS' if set or '*'.
                       Add a prefix '^' to NOT build the comma-separated list of libraries that follows but all other libraries.
  --cuda-libs          HIP Python CUDA interop libraries to build as comma separated list without whitespaces, defaults to variable 'HIP_PYTHON_CUDA_LIBS' if set or '*'.
                       Add a prefix '^' to NOT build the comma-separated list of libraries that follows but all other libraries.
  --hip                Build package 'hip-python'.
  --cuda               Build package 'hip-python-as-cuda'.
  --docs               Build the docs.
  --no-api-docs        Temporarily move the 'docs/python_api' subfolder so that sphinx does not see it.
  --no-clean-docs      Do not generate docs from scratch, i.e. don't run sphinx with -E switch.
  --docs-use-testpypi  Get the HIP Python packages for building the docs from Test PyPI.
  --docs-use-pypi      Get the HIP Python packages for building the docs from PyPI.
  --no-archive         Do not put previously created packages into the archive folder.
  --run-tests          Run the tests.
  -j,--num-jobs        Number of build jobs to use. Defaults to 1.
  --pre-clean          Remove the virtual Python environment subfolder '_venv' --- if it exists --- before all other tasks.
  --post-clean         Remove the virtual Python environment subfolder '_venv' --- if it exists --- after all other tasks.
  -n, --no-venv        Do not create and use a virtual Python environment.
  -h, --help           Show this help message.

Known Compilation Issues

The hipsparse Module won't Compile with Older GCC Release

With all ROCm™ versions before version 5.6.0 (exclusive) and older GCC versions, compiling HIP Python's hipsparse module results in a compiler error caused by lines such as:

HIPSPARSE_ORDER_COLUMN [[deprecated("Please use HIPSPARSE_ORDER_COL instead")]] = 1,

Workaround 1: Disable Build of 'hipsparse' Module

Disabling the build of the hipsparse HIP python module can, e.g., be achieved by supplying --libs "^hipsparse" to

Workaround 2 (Requires Access to Header File): Edit Header File

For this fix, you need write access to the ROCm™ header files. Then, e.g., modify file <path_to_rocm>/hiprand/hiprand_hcc.h such that:

HIPSPARSE_ORDER_COLUMN [[deprecated("Please use HIPSPARSE_ORDER_COL instead")]] = 1,


HIPSPARSE_ORDER_COLUMN = 1, // [[deprecated("Please use HIPSPARSE_ORDER_COL instead")]] = 1,

The hiprand module Won't Compile

With all ROCm™ versions before and including version 5.6.0, compiling HIP Python's hiprand module results in a compiler error.

The error is caused by the following line in the C compilation path of <path_to_rocm>/hiprand/hiprand_hcc.h, which is not legal in C for aliasing a struct type:

typedef rocrand_generator_base_type hiprandGenerator_st;

Workaround 1: Disable Build of Hiprand Module

Disabling the build of the hiprand HIP python module can, e.g., be achieved by supplying --libs "^hiprand" to

Workaround 2 (Requires Access to Header File): Edit Header File

For this fix, you need write access to the ROCm™ header files. Then, modify file <path_to_rocm>/hiprand/hiprand_hcc.h such that

typedef rocrand_generator_base_type hiprandGenerator_st;


typedef struct rocrand_generator_base_type hiprandGenerator_st;

Note that Cython users will experience the same issue if they use one of the Cython modules in their code and use c as compilation language.

Other Known Issues

ROCm™ 5.5.0 and ROCm™ 5.5.1

On systems with ROCm™ HIP SDK 5.5.0 or 5.5.1, the examples

abort with errors.

An upgrade to version HIP SDK 5.6 or later (or a downgrade to version 5.4) is advised if the showcased functionality is needed.


On certain Ubuntu 20 systems, we encountered issues when running the examples:

We could not identify the cause yet.


For examples, guides and API reference, please take a look at the official HIP Python documentation pages: