ROCm / hipify_torch

MIT License
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hipify_torch is a python utility to convert CUDA C/C++ code into HIP C/C++ code. It is NOT a parser; it does a smart but basic search-and-replace based on CUDA-to-HIP mappings which are specified in the hipify_torch module. It can also "hipify" the header include statements in your source code to ensure that it's the hipified header files that are included.


Through cmake

From the parent CMakeLists.txt file include the Hipify.cmake file from ./cmake/Hipify.cmake

API function -- hipify()

This function executes the hipify conversion logic on an input directory recursively.


Usage examples

# Example invocation - Provides cuda source dir and output hip source dir

# Example invocation - Only cuda source dir provide and output hip files into same dir.
hipify(CUDA_SOURCE_DIR "/home/usr/project_sources/")

# Example invocation - Through config file
hipify(CONFIG_FILE "project_hipify_config_file.json")

Note: Update the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH list accordingly, if the hipify_torch repo is cloned into a different directory.

Above lines trigger the hipify script for all sources & header files under the CUDA_SOURCE_DIR

Through python takes arguments through command line or a json file(hipify_config.json)

python --config-json hipify_config.json


    "project_directory": <absolute path of project_directory to config_json>,
    "output_directory" : <absolute path of output_directory to config_json>,
    "header_include_dirs": [<absolute path to proj_dir of directories where headers are present>],
    "includes": [<absolute path to proj_dir of directories to be hipified>],
    "ignores": [<absolute path to proj_dir of directories to explicitly not hipify>],
    "extra_files": [<absolute or relative paths of extra files to be hipified>],
    "hipify_extra_files_only": <true or false, whether to only hipify extra files>


from <path to hipify_torch>.hipify.hipify_python import hipify

Note: We are in the process of making hipify_torch as an installable python package, then <path to hipify_torch> isn't required.


CMake utility function

API function -- get_hipified_list()

This utility function can be used to get a list of hipified files from a list of cuda files.

function(get_hipified_list INPUT_LIST OUTPUT_LIST)

Usage example

get_hipified_list("${TP_CUDA_SRCS}" TP_CUDA_SRCS)

Here the TP_CUDA_SRCS in the input list containing cuda source files and doing a inplace update with output list TP_CUDA_SRCS For the file suffix unique string, list variable name itself is passed as a string.

Custom hipify mapping

Users can define their own custom mapping by adding a custom_hipify_mapping.json from project_directory from where the hipify() function is being called. To use a JSON file from a different directory, users can pass in the JSON file path via custom_map argument in the hipify method. The custom hipify mappings will be applied before any other default hipify mappings. The below is the sample JSON file:

    "custom_map" : {
        "src mapping 1" : "dst mapping 1",
        "src mapping 2" : "dst mapping 2",

Intended users

This module can be used to