ROVRunners / topside_rp_python

code for the raspberry pi written in python
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Simple guide to configs

from typing import NamedTuple import commands2 import rev from config import ShooterConfig from config import PIDConfig import hardware import math import logging

""" this is an example of a motor config class. configs inherit from named tuples (this is a good description of named tuples: the advantage of using configs is that it increases modularity. configs keep things modular by adding standardization for function and class args. they define all the information needed to interact with something ie: 2 classes do separate things, but since they both talk to motors they would both take a motor config as an arg. """

class MotorConfig(NamedTuple): """Information to configure a motor""" id: int # Motor ID on the RoboRIO inverted: bool # Invert the motor current_limit: int | None = None # Current limit in amps open_ramp_rate: float | None = None # Time in seconds to go from 0 to full throttle closed_ramp_rate: float | None = None # Time in seconds to go from 0 to full throttle

######################################################################################################################## """ below describes how they are used in the rest of the code: notice that the config is in another config: configs can and should be used anywhere they can be. """ shooter_config = ShooterConfig(left_motor=MotorConfig(id=11, inverted=False), # this is how configs can be created. right_motor=MotorConfig(id=12, inverted=True), right_flywheel_gear_ratio=1, left_flywheel_gear_ratio=1, right_flywheel_diameter_cm=12, left_flywheel_diameter_cm=12, default_velocity=1, default_fire_time=.5, default_spinup_delay=1) ######################################################################################################################## """ if we take a look a snippet from the shooter class, we can see how configs are used when making classes: """

class Shooter(commands2.Subsystem): _left_motor: rev.CANSparkMax _right_motor: rev.CANSparkMax _left_encoder: rev.SparkRelativeEncoder _right_encoder: rev.SparkRelativeEncoder _pid: rev.SparkMaxPIDController _logger: logging.Logger config: ShooterConfig

def __init__(self, config: ShooterConfig, pid_config: PIDConfig, logger: logging.Logger):
    self.config = config
    self._logger = logger.getChild("Shooter")
    self._left_motor = rev.CANSparkMax(, rev.CANSparkMax.MotorType.kBrushless)  # notice use of configs 
    self._right_motor = rev.CANSparkMax(, rev.CANSparkMax.MotorType.kBrushless)
    hardware.init_motor(self._left_motor, config.left_motor)
    hardware.init_motor(self._right_motor, config.right_motor)

    self._right_motor.follow(self._left_motor, invert=config.right_motor.inverted)
    self._left_encoder = self._left_motor.getEncoder()
    self._right_encoder = self._right_motor.getEncoder()

        (1 / config.right_flywheel_gear_ratio) * ((config.right_flywheel_diameter_cm / 100) * math.pi))
        (1 / config.left_flywheel_gear_ratio) * (config.left_flywheel_diameter_cm / 100) * math.pi)

        (1 / config.right_flywheel_gear_ratio) * ((config.right_flywheel_diameter_cm / 100) * math.pi) / 60.0)
        (1 / config.left_flywheel_gear_ratio) * ((config.left_flywheel_diameter_cm / 100) * math.pi) / 60.0)

    self._pid = self._left_motor.getPIDController() 
    hardware.init_pid(self._pid, pid_config, feedback_device=self._left_encoder)

def pid_config(self) -> PIDConfig:
    return PIDConfig(p=self._pid.getP(), i=self._pid.getI(), d=self._pid.getD())