RPM-Robotics-Lab / sRGB-TIR

Repository for synthetic RGB to Thermal Infrared translation module from "Edge-guided multidomain RGB to TIR translation", ICRA 2023 submission
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Edge-guided Multi-domain RGB-to-TIR image Translation for Training Vision Tasks with Challenging Labels

Accepted Proceedings to ICRA 2023

Dong-Guw Lee, Myung-Hwan Jeon, Younggun Cho, Ayoung Kim at RPM Robotics Lab

Overview of the edge-guided multi-domain RGB2TIR translation network


Proposed pipeline for training vision tasks with challenging labels



-The same model was used for both synthetic and real RGB to TIR image translation

-The model was trained on identical datasets (sRGB=GTA, TIR=STheReO)

Results on synthetic RGB to TIR translation


Results on real RGB to TIR translation

Results on thermal optical flow estimation using the proposed method


Video demonstration

Video Label



Environment Setup

How To Use: RGB to TIR translation

Please download them from here: {link to google drive}

*If the link doesn't work, please file an issue!

Network Details

Edge-guided multi-domain RGB2TIR translation architecture


Please consider citing the paper as:

author={Lee, Dong-Guw and Kim, Ayoung},
conference={IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation}, 
title={Edge-guided Multi-domain RGB-to-TIR image Translation for Training Vision Tasks with Challenging Labels}, 

Also, a lot of the code has been built on top of MUNIT (ECCV2018), so please go cite their paper as well.


If you have any questions, contact here please
