RRZE-HPC / stempel

Stencil TEMPlate Engineering Library
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Generate code for bench and kerncraft #23

Closed cod3monk closed 7 years ago

cod3monk commented 7 years ago

Is there a way to directly generate a file using stempel.py gen for the bench command or kerncraft?

Using python stempel.py gen -D 3 -r 2 -s -i always adds a header which make kerncraft and stempel itself fail. Could the Header be printed as a comment? This would allow us to just redirect the output into a file for further processing (e.g. python stempel.py gen -D 3 -r 2 -s -i > code.c)

sguera commented 7 years ago

Hi, yes, there is an option --store where you can save the file directly in the format needed by kerncraft

cod3monk commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I must have overlooked it. Works like a charm ;)