RSGallery2 / RSGallery2_J4

Restart from scratch for joomla! 4.x
GNU General Public License v2.0
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RSGallery logo with text


RSGallery2 is one of several gallery extensions/components for the well known CMS Joomla!

About RSGallery2

RSGallery2 is around since the Mambo days (2003) and is originally developed by Ronald Smit. Since then RSGallery2 has evolved with the Joomla! content management into what it is nowadays.

RSGallery2 is released by the GPL license and will be free to use (as in free beer).

joomla! 4.x RSG2 restart

This version is developed from scratch. The jump from J3.x to J4x needed to get rid of all the J1.5 code and template constructs still around in the version for J3x.

Actual state:

Next steps:

Upgrade from J3x RSG2 version

Some steps may be necessary for the transfer of J3x configuration/galleries/images. In general if a J3x data is detected then in maintenance a separate section is prepared for the conversion

Changes for J4

Each data type will be kept in a different table with different items. These are aligned to J4 standard tables. The original J3x items must be copied to the new place. (May be automatic, may be not automatic. Can't tell actually)

Gallery data: The galleries are organized now in a joomla standard nested tree. This makes it more easy to use the standard joomla sorting functions

Image files: On the J4 RSG2 version the folder structure of image files has changed. They have a new starting folder ...\images\rsgallery2 (instead of ...\images\rsgallery). Images are organized by gallery ID. They are kept in subfolders beginning with the gallery ID and then each image destination resolution has its won folder. Examples:

more will follow

Install instruction to test the backend

  1. Copy project from github. Github->Code->Download->Zip

  2. Extract zip

  3. Copy following files to root of project (-> folder RSGallery2_J4-master)

    • administrator\components\com_rsgallery2\rsgallery2.xml
    • administrator\components\com_rsgallery2\install_rsg2.php
    • administrator\components\com_rsgallery2\changelog.xml
  4. Zip the contents of folder RSGallery2_J4-master\

  5. Install in Joomla 4x (beta or nightly build)

This software is in middle development


Otherwise the software is not ready to be used yet


Anyone wants to help ?

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