RTyy / aiocomments

Comments Service Based on aiohttp
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Simple server side for handling Comments based on aiohttp.


API Description


Docker Installation

Build Docker Image::

$ docker build --tag=aiocomments .

Run Container (in the interactive mode)::

$ ./run_docker.sh

Run Application (in the interactive mode)::

$ docker/run_app.sh

Run Tests (in the interactive mode)::

$ docker/run_tests.sh

Source code of the project will be connected to the docker container as a Volume. Database will be created from the scratch each time you will run a container.

Local Installation

Create database for the project::

$ devops/install.sh

Run application::

$ cd source
$ ./run.py

Run application in Development Mode::

$ cd source
$ ./run.py serve

Run integration tests::

$ cd source
$ pytest -s -vv core/tests aiocomments/tests

With TOX::

$ pip install tox
$ cd source
$ tox