Workload Generation
python generate_workload <num_records> <num_age> <num_region>
NOTE: the max of is 20. The max of is 90.
This above command will generate 3 files in data/.
base.csv and base_sm.csv(with schema at first line) will contain records, sorted by age and then by region.
Each record will consist of six fields and takes 100B:
- ID: monotonically increasing from 0 to - 1. Fixed at 12 digit.
- Name: A random string of length between (5, 10) chars.
- Age_Region: two concatenated fields
- Age: int between [5, 5 + ] in two digit format uniformly
- Region: one of specified region
- Num_Departure: an int following zipt distribution in two digit format
- Profile: a random string of length between (50, 150) chars.
schema.csv will contain the schema required by orpheusDB.