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JOSS: Update documentation of examples and paper summary #33

Closed FWuellhorst closed 2 years ago

FWuellhorst commented 2 years ago

I updated the documentation in the examples to better describe the model physics and thus the real-world analysis. @shamsiharis: Do the changes reflect the concerns in your review? You can access the documentation directly via I will also update the paper based on your review in this PR. Please check my latest question regarding related simulation environments.

Furthermore, I added the new example-file converter CI job to convert our examples directly into markdown and jupyter notebooks. Thus, the description is now better visualized in the examples\docs folder. Also, in future versions we can integrate e.g. mybinder to enable online execution of the jupyter notebooks.

FWuellhorst commented 2 years ago

@shamsiharis: I updated the to reflect your review regarding the "broad picture of the scope of AixCaliBuHA". From our point of view, the broad picture is the dynamic calibration of building and HVAC models. If this scope does not fit your concern, could you elaborate? One different kind of scope, the design choices of the python code, we did not mention explicitly in the paper. Instead of developing new optimization and simulation methods, we tried to wrap various existing ones into common classes and made them accessible via configuration.

Also, instead of describing the usability over different simulation environments, I described the possibility to use other environments such as EnergyPlus.

Since 74 % of calibrations are performed manually [@coakley2014review], there is a desperate need for an automated software tool. As building energy systems are inherently time dependent, such a tool should enable dynamic calibration. Therefore, we developed AixCaliBuHA to automate the calibration process of dynamic building and HVAC system models. AixCaliBuHA was developed and tested for Modelica models. However, other simulation environments, for instance EnergyPlus, could also be integrated. As long as an FMU of the model is given, or an API to python exists, the simulation environment can be coupled to AixCaliBuHA.